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Odo (bishop of Cambrai) at Tournay, 92 sq. Odo, abbat of Cluny, 88 Orleans, heresy at, 84 sqq. Otto I, the Great, emperor, 74, 76 Otto III, emperor, 78, 88 Otto of Freising, his criticism of saint Bernard, 159-162 Oxford, legends about the university of, 274, 284; cf. 176 n. 1: Wycliffe at, 249-252: manuscripts at, 48 n. 3, 114 n. 31, 132 n. 20, 150 n. 9, 249 n. 3, 252 n. 9, 271 sq., 286-291, 295, 302, 320

Paraclete, the, oratory (afterwards abbey) of, 133 sq., 136, 145; cf. 171, 172 Paris, councils at (825), 32; (1147), 162; (1210), 197: schools of, their legendary origin, 49 n. 5; under William of Champeaux, 95 sq., 118; under Abailard, 124; under Gilbert of La Porrée, 114, 184; on the Petit Pont, 105, 182; on Mount Saint Geneviève, 105, 119, 177 sq.: cf. 111 sq., 183 sqq., 299 Paschasius Radbert, 43, 70 Patrick, saint, 8 Paulicians, 83-86; cf. 80, 81 n. 18 Pavia, law school of, 73 Pelayo, Alvaro, 219 Peter Helias, 181 Peter of La Celle (bishop of Chartres), 183, 186, 189; cf. 188 n. 15 Peter Lombard (bishop of Paris), 163 Peter the Venerable, abbat of Cluny, 145 Petit, Jean, 209 n. 13 Philip the Fair, king of France, 217, 224 Plato, translations of, 150 n. 9; commentary on the Timaeus, 304: his influence on medieval thought, 50 sq., 55, 56, 101, 107 sq., 111, 149-153 Poppo, vision of, 75 sq. Priscian, commentaries on, 181 sq., 304 n. 83 Prudentius of Troyes, 49 n. 4, 67, 283 Ptolemy of Lucca, 210 n. 15 Pullen, Robert, see Robert Pullus

Quidort, John, of Paris, 214 n. 17, 228,231 n. 11 Quierzy, council of (849), 46

Rabanus Maurus, archbishop of Mentz, 32; cf. 120, 292 Raimbert of Lille, 93 Ralph of Laon, 95-98 Ratherius, bishop of Verona, 70, 72 Ratramnus, 51 n. 8, 66; cf , 43 n. 34 Reichenau, abbey of, 13, 76 Remigius, saint, of Auxerre, 65, 87 sq. Rheims, council of (1148), 163-168, 173; cf. 100, 321: school of, 129; cf. 94 n. 1 Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, 187 Richard fitzRalph, archbishop of Armagh, 247 n. 1 Richard l'Évêque (bishop of Avranches), 103, 106, 112, 181, 311-314 Rienzi, Cola di, 216 Robert de Bosco, archdeacon of Châlons, 98 Robert of Melun (bishop of Hereford), 179 sq.; cf. 96, 163 Robert Pullus (cardinal), 184 Rodulph, archbishop of Rheims, 129, 131 Roger (archbishop of York), 165 Roger Bacon, 272 Rome, council at (826), 21; church and see of, 199-202, 217-221, 224, 246; opinions concerning, 24 sq., 31, 72, 78 n. 13, 165, 204, 211, 221 sqq., 225-229, 238 sqq., 242-245, 248, 252, 263-266; relation of the church towards learning, 6 sqq., 21 Roscelin of Compiègne, 86 sq., 90 sq., 117 sq., 128 sq.; cf. 67, 121, 130, 154, 280, 314 sqq.

Saint Denis, abbey of, 49 sq.; Abailard at, 124, 127, 132 sq., 140 Saint Gall, abbey of, 13, 76, 88 Saint Geneviève, schools at, 105, 119, 137, 141 Saint Gildas de Rhuys, 135 sqq. Saint Victor, school of, 118 sq. Saracens, their inroads upon Italy, 28 Scots, see Irish