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Of Eternity.

rather I am there, whither my thoughts do carry me.

Where my thoughts are, there am I; and commonly there are my thoughts, where my affection is.

That too readily occurs to me, which is by nature delightful, or by custom is pleasing.

6. And for this cause. Thou that art truth itself hast plainly said, Where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.

If I love heaven, I willingly muse on heavenly things.

If I love the world, I rejoice at the felicity of the world, and grieve for the adversity thereof.

If I love the flesh, I shall often fancy those things that are pleasing to the flesh.

If I love the Spirit, I shall delight to think on things spiritual.

For whatsoever I love, thereof do I willingiy speak and hear, and carry home with me the forms thereof.

But blessed is the man, who for Thy sake, O Lord, is willing to part with all creatures, who does violence to his nature, and through fervour of Spirit crucifieth the lusts of the flesh; that so with a serene conscience he may offer pure prayers unto Thee, and, all earthly things both outwardly and inwardly being excluded, be may be meet to be admitted into the angelic choir.