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Of Humbly Submitting.

in such degree as shall be profitable and necessary for thee.

3. Some are grievously tempted about faith and this holy sacrament; but this is not to be imputed to themselves, but rather to the enemy.

Be not thou anxious herein; do not dispute with thine own thoughts, nor give any answer to doubts suggested by the devil; but trust the words of God, trust His Saints and Prophets, and the enemy will flee from thee.

It is profitable to the servant of God to endure such things.

For the devil tempteth not unbelievers and sinners; but faithful and devout persons he tempteth and disquieteth.

4. Go forward therefore with simple and undoubting faith, and with the reverence of a supplicant draw thou near to the holy sacrament; and whatsoever thou art not able to understand, commit to Almighty God.

God deceiveth thee not; he is deceived that trusteth too much to himself.

God walketh with the simple, revealeth Himself to the humble, giveth understanding to the little ones, openeth the sense to pure minds, and hideth grace from the proud.

Human reason may be deceived, true faith cannot be deceived.

5. All reason and natural search ought to follow Faith, not to go before it, nor to break in upon it.

For Faith and Love do here specially take the