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No. 30 of 1961.

Certain powers of members of Service.

Power to arrest without warrant in certain cases and provisions as to persons arrested by members of Service, etc. 12. (1) Any member of the Service may arrest without warrant any person whom he may reasonably suspect of being guilty of an offence under section 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19.

(2) (a) Any person who is arrested by any member of the Service, whether under the provisions of this Ordinance or of any other enactment, shall be delivered into the custody of the officer in charge of a police station within twelve hours of his arrest, unless, in the meantime, such person has been brought before a magistrate or released.
(b) When any such person is delivered into the custody of the officer in charge of a police station, the provisions of section 47 of the (Cap. 232).Police Force Ordinance shall apply.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of any other enactment conferring on any member of the Service power to arrest persons—

(a) if any person forcibly resists the endeavour of any member of the Service to arrest him or attempts to evade the arrest, such member may use all means necessary to effect the arrest; and
(b) if any member of the Service who is in pursuit of any person to be arrested has reason to believe that such person has entered into or is in any place, the person residing in or in charge of such place shall on demand of such member allow him free ingress thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for search therein for such person.

Power to examine and detain certain things. 13. Any member of the Service may examine and, if he considers it necessary, detain anything which appears to him to be or to contain evidence of the commission of an offence under section 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19.

Power to take photograph, etc. of arrested person. 14. Any member of the Service or any police officer may take the photograph, finger-prints, weight and measurements of any person who has been arrested by any such member, whether under the provisions of this Ordinance or of any other enactment:

Provided that, if any such person who has not previously been convicted is subsequently discharged or acquitted, any photograph (both negative and copies), finger-print impressions and records of weight of measurements so taken shall be destroyed forthwith or delivered to such person.