Page:Immorality Act 1957.djvu/5

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Act No. 23 of 1957.

the purposes of prostitution; and any such female shall be justified in taking away such wearing apparel as is necessary to enable her to leave such house or place or brothel.


13. (1) Any person who takes or detains or causes to be taken or detained any unmarried male or female under the age of twenty-one years out of the custody and against the will of his or her father or mother or guardian, with intent that such person or any other person, whether a particular person or not, may have unlawful carnal intercourse with such unmarried male or female, shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) The term “guardian” in this section includes any person who has in law or in fact the custody or control of the unmarried male or female.

Sexual offences with girls or boys under sixteen.

14. (1) Any male person who—


has or attempts to have unlawful carnal intercourse with a girl under the age of sixteen years; or


commits or attempts to commit with such a girl or with a boy under the age of sixteen years an immoral or indecent act; or


solicits or entices such a girl or boy to the commission of an immoral or indecent act,

shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) It shall be a sufficient defence to any charge under this section if it shall be made to appear to the court—


that the girl at the time of the commission of the offence was a prostitute, that the person so charged was at the said time under the age of twenty-one years and that it is the first occasion on which he is so charged; or


that the person so charged was at the said time under the age of sixteen years; or


that the girl or person in whose charge she was, deceived the person so charged into believing that she was over the age of sixteen years at the said time.

Sexual offences with female idiots or imbeciles.

15. Any person who—


has or attempts to have unlawful carnal intercourse with any female idiot or imbecile in circumstances which do not amount to rape; or


commits or attempts to commit with such a female any immoral or indecent act; or


solicits or entices such a female to the commission of any immoral or indecent act,

shall if it be proved that such person knew that such female was an idiot or imbecile, be guilty of an offence.

Sexual offences between white persons and coloured persons.

16. (1) (a) Any white female person who—


has or attempts to have unlawful carnal intercourse with a coloured male person; or