Page:Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States — Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives.pdf/344

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Two bases are summarized for the claim that President Trump abused his powers:

1) He "ignored and injured" the interests of the country "to obtain an improper personal political benefit;" and

2) He "betrayed the nation" to "enlist" Ukraine "in corrupting democratic elections."

Neither of those allegations is true or supported by a scintilla of evidence in the геcord.

The Democrats' second claim is that President Trump "obstructed Congress" by simply doing what virtually every other President in the modern era has ALSO done—to assert a legitimate executive privilege and legal immunity to avoid subpoenas issued to varlous White House officials. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE HERE. On every previous occasion of this assertion in the past; that natural impasse between the executive and legislative branches in our constitutional system has been eașily and calmly resolved by either a good faith negotiation-or a simple filing with the THIRD branch of our government-the judicial branch.