Page:Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States — Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives.pdf/346

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It should be noted that President Trump has consistently cooperated with Congress in fulfilling its oversight and investigation responsibilities.

For example, over 25 Administration officials have testified before the House Oversight Committee this year, and over 20 have testlfied before the House Judiciary Committee. At the start of the Democrať's impeachment inquiry, the White House also produced more than 100,000 pages of documents to the Oversight Committee.

In spite of their allegation, Democrats know the President Trump has "lawful cause" to challenge these subpoenas because they involve direct communications between high-ranking advisors and a president, and most of these individuals are not related to the Ukraine matter at hand. Any objective observer would regard this as a mere "fishing expedition" and harassment of the Administration by Democrat committee chairs with a political agenda. That agenda does not allow them to proceed to a court to get this simple disagreement appropriately resolved.