Page:Improbability, or, The batchelor's dislike to a married life.pdf/6

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Till diſtant and approaching night,
your lovely image ſhaded,
Yet ever in ideal ſight,
your beauty oft unfaded.

Oft when the midnight watch I've kept,
when ſeas were round us ſwelling,
I've fear'd alone the gale that ſwept,
too rudely o'er your dwelling.

But now my love, no more your breaſt,
ſhall beat with ſad emotion,
I'll ſtrive to make each moment bleſt,
nor tempt again the ocean.


To it's own Proper Tune.

YE gallant ſouls, that beat ſo high,
with England's glory in each vein,
From his example learn to die,
whoſe honour never knew one ſtain.

At break of day two ſail appear'd,
and on the larboard quarter ſtood,
For action ſtraight the decks were clear'd,
which ſoon alas! were dy'd with blood.

My friend maintain'd th' unequal fight,
till bringing all his guns to bear,
With red-hot balls their thunder freight,
and up one Frenchman blew in air.