Page:In Other Words (1912).djvu/58

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Propertius Confesses

Book II, Elegy 18.
Scis here mi multas pariter placuisse puellas.
Scis mihi, Demophoön—”

You know, my Dem, that each p. m. I comb the gay Rialto
(Posterity will say I was a James Buchanan Brady,
And any frail can have my kale, soprano or contralto—
You’re c. to k. the reason why my theme is only Lady.

Tush: ask a guy the reason why the days are short in winter,
And ask him why is water wet and why’s a ballet dancer,
And where’s the snow of long ago, or ask why is a printer—
Old top, it’s just my temp’rament. There ain’t no other answer.