Page:In Other Words (1912).djvu/95

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Footlight Motifs

And then he sings of lips and eyes,
“A bloomy pair of vermeil cheeks,”
Counting her charms in ancient wise,
As was the custom of the Greeks;
He ends his catalogue, whereat
“They are but gauds,” he says—like that.

Which—pardon my discursive style,
(’Tis thus the British rhymers do;
No vulgar haste to coax the smile.
[I rather like the plan. Do you?])
Which, as I started out to say
Before this unforeseen delay—

Which brings me, after false alarms
And haltings, to this theme of mine:
In brief, to Kitty Gordon’s charms
Gold, ivory and incarnadine.
She is, meseems, a gaudy star
Cold, distant, bright—and there you are.


Mary had a little voice,
(Unless the crits are wrong),
And everywhere that Mary went
She took the voice along.

It followed her upon the stage
(Which isn’t far from fact),
It made the audience applaud
To see Miss Mary act.