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Page:In The Cage (London, Duckworth, 1898).djvu/202

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Small Crown 4to, 5s. net. 50 copies on Japanese Vellum, £1, 1s. net (all sold).

The Text is that of the earliest printed version, as issued in the rare periodical, The Germ, afterwards Art and Poetry, and consequently presents the poem in a form hitherto practically inaccessible.

The Frontispiece, by permission of Mr. Frederick Hollyer, is a reproduction of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Crayon Study of the head of The Blessed Damozel, photogravured and printed by the Swan Electric Engraving Company.

Mr. William Michael Rossetti contributes an Introduction giving full details concerning the writing of the poem, and the changes it has undergone.

Each verse is enclosed in a designed border, drawn by Mr. W. B. Macdougall, who has also designed the Cover.