Page:In a winter city, by Ouida.djvu/360

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get one of the very old titles; and they will make no difficulty about religion; they were Jumpers or Shakers or something themselves; he might send her to the Sacré Cœur for a year or two."

"If he be gone to be shot, what use would the Spiffler dot be?" said Lady Hilda, with coolest calm, as on a subject not even of most remote interest, and she went on glazing a corner of the draperies of her St. Ursula with carmine.

"The marriage was proposed to him, I know," continued Madame Mila, unheeded. "The Featherleighs undertook it, but he refused point blank. 'Je ne me vends pas,' was all he said. It was very rude, and really that little Spiffler might be made something of; those very tiny creatures never look vulgar, and are so easy to dress; as it is, I dare say Furstenberg will take her, if Nina will let him; it is on the tapis, and Della Rocca won't come back alive, I suppose—isn't it a hare-brained thing to do?—there are gendarmes to look after the brigands, but it seems he has some fancy because they were his own people that suffered—but no doubt he told you all about it, as you and he are such friends."