Page:In defense of Harriet Shelley, and other essays.djvu/246

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Remark flung across the House to Schonerer: "Die Grossmutter aufdem Misthaufen erzeugt warden!"

It will be judicious not to translate that. Its flavor is pretty high, in any case, but it becomes par ticularly gamey when you remember that the first gallery was well stocked with ladies.

Apparently it was a great hit. It fetched thunders of joyous enthusiasm out of the Christian Socialists, and in their rapture they flung biting epithets with wasteful liberality at specially detested members of the Opposition ; among others, this one at Schonerer : "Bordell in der Krugerstrasse!" Then they added these words, which they whooped, howled, and also even sang, in a deep-voiced chorus: "Schmul Leeb Kokn! Schmul Leeb Kohnl Schmul Leeb Kohn!" and made it splendidly audible above the banging of desk-boards and the rest of the roaring cyclone of fiendish noises. [A gallery witticism comes flit ting by from mouth to mouth around the great curve: "The swan -song of Austrian representa tive government!" You can note its progress by the applausive smiles and nods it gets as it skims along.]

Kletzenbauer. "Holofernes, where is Judith?" [Storm of laughter.]

Gregorig (the shirt-merchant) . This Wolf -Theater is costing six thousand florins!"

Wolf (with sweetness). "Notice him, gentlemen; it is Mr. Gregorig." [Laughter.]

Vielohlawek (to Wolf). "You Judas!"

Schneider. "Brothel-Knight!"

Chorus of Voices. "East-German offal-tub!"

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