up to them, and they changed him into the constellation Taurus.
You can still see them sitting in the high heavens, the Pleiades and Taurus, always in happy companionship and ever watching over the loyal lovers of this world.
"Oh, I 'm so glad they took up Tucay. You would n't eat all the rabbits and give me none, would you, Tonio?" and Juanita pressed her head against her brother's arm.
"No, Ninita mia." Antonio moved himself free. "I 'd get the rabbits, and you 'd get the roots, and we would build a big fire as they do at the barbecues, and roast them. Let 's play barbecue now. I 'll go back of the corral and make a fire. You can go and ask Maria for a piece of meat. And get some figs. They 'll do for roots," and Antonio started off.
"Aha, Tonito! So Juanita will be bringing both the rabbit and the roots. You 're worse than the six brothers," and Wantasson chuckled as the children sped away to their play.