The Eternal Word From Being Innocent Becomes As It Were Guilty.
Consolamini, consolamini, popule meus, dicit Deus vester.
"Be comforted, be comforted, my people, saith your God."---Is. xl. 1.
Previous to the coming of our Redeemer, the whole unhappy race of mankind groaned in misery upon this earth; all were children of wrath, nor was there one who could appease God, justly indignant at their sins: Behold, Thou art angry, and we have sinned: ...there is none that riseth up, and taketh hold of Thee. [Isaiah 44:5] Yes, because it is God Himself Who has been offended by man: man, being nothing but a miserable creature, was unable, by whatever extent of chastisement, to make atonement for the injury offered to an infinite majesty: there was need of another god to satisfy the Divine justice. But such a god did not exist, neither could there be found any besides the one God alone: on the other hand, the Person offended could not make satisfaction to Himself; so that ours was a desperate case.
But take comfort, take comfort, O men, saith the Lord by the mouth of Isaias: Be comforted, be comforted, My people, saith your God; for her evil is come to an end. [Isaiah 40:1] And the reason is, because God Himself hath discovered a way of saving man, while at the same time His Justice and His mercy shall both be satisfied: Justice and peace have kissed. [Ps. 84:11] The Son of God has Himself become Man, has taken the form of a sinner, and loading His Own shoulders with the burden of satisfying for mankind, He has made full compensation to the Divine justice for the