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already happened. Let me, then, exclaim with gladness; Go on joyfully, O children of Adam! go on joyfully, be no more faint-hearted. Even though you perceive yourselves weak, and unable to stand against so many enemies, "Fear not; God Himself will come and save you." God Himself has come on earth, and has redeemed us, by imparting to you strength sufficient to combat and to vanquish every enemy of your salvation.

How did our Redeemer procure for us this strength? From being strong and omnipotent, He has become weak. He has taken on Himself our weakness, and by so doing has communicated to us His strength. Let us see the truth of this. But let us first seek light of Jesus and Mary.


God is that strong One Who alone can be called strong, because He is strength itself; and whoever is strong derives strength from Him: Strength is Mine, and by Me kings reign, [Prov. 8:14] saith the Lord. God is that mighty One Who can do whatsoever He will; and He can do this with ease; He has merely to wish it: Behold, Thou hast made Heaven and earth by Thy great power, and no word shall be hard to Thee. [Jer. 32:17] By a nod He created Heaven and earth out of nothing: He spoke, and they were made. [Ps. 147:5] And did He choose to do so, He could destroy the immense machinery of the universe by a single nod, as He created it: At a beck He can utterly destroy the whole world.[2 Mach. 8:18] We know already how, when it pleased Him, he burnt five entire cities with a deluge of fire. We know how, previously to that, He