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Ord. No. 33 of 2008

Execution of documents by Council

7. Seal and documents of Council

(1) The Council is to have a common seal.

(2) The common seal may be affixed to a document only if authorized by a resolution of the Council.

(3) The affixing of the common seal is to be authenticated by the signatures of any 2 members of the Council authorized by the Council, either generally or specially in that behalf.

(4) A document purporting to be duly executed under the common seal is to be regarded as having been duly executed unless the contrary is proved.

(5) Any contract or instrument which, if entered into or executed by a natural person, would not be required to be entered into or executed under seal, may be entered into or executed on behalf of the Council by any of its members, the Secretary-General, the Legal Adviser or any other employee of the Council generally or specially authorized by the Council in that behalf.

Proceedings of Council

8. Council meetings

(1) The Council is to meet as often as is necessary for the purpose of performing its functions.

(2) The Chairman may appoint the time and place for the Council to meet.

(3) The Council may, by its procedure determined under section 16, make provisions for a Vice-Chairman to appoint, in the absence of the Chairman, the time and place for the Council to meet.

9. Quorum for Council meetings

The quorum for a meeting of the Council is 6 members of the Council.

10. Chairman to preside at Council meetings

(1) The Chairman must preside at a meeting of the Council.

(2) If the Chairman is absent or vacates the chair, a Vice-Chairman elected by the appointed members present must preside at the meeting.

(3) If neither the Chairman nor the 3 Vice-Chairmen can preside at the meeting, an appointed member elected from amongst the appointed members present must preside at the meeting.