Adventure—Adventure. New York |
Ainslie's—Ainslie's. New York |
All the Year—All the Year Round. London |
Am City—American City. New York |
Am M—American Magazine. New York |
Appleton's M—Appleton's Magazine. Philadelphia |
Argosy—Argosy: All Story Weekly. New York |
Argosy (London)—Argosy. London |
Atlan—Atlantic Monthly. Boston |
Belgravia—Belgravia. London |
Bellman—Bellman. Minneapolis |
Bentley—Bentley's Miscellany. London |
Black and White—Black and White. London |
Blackw—Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh |
Book News—Book News. Philadelphia |
Booklover's M—Booklover's Magazine. New York |
Broadway—Broadway Magazine. London |
Canad M—Canadian Magazine. Toronto |
Cassell's M—Cassell's Magazine. London |
Cath W—Catholic World. New York |
Century Guild Hobby Horse—Century Guild Hobby Horse. London |
Chambers's J—Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh |
Chant—Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa. |
Colburn—Colburn's New Monthly Magazine. London |
Collier's—Collier's the National Weekly. New York |
Conkey's Home Journal—Conkey's Home Journal Chicago |
Contemp—Contemporary Review. London |
Cornhill—Cornhill Magazine. London |
Cosmopolis—Cosmopolis. London |
Cosmopolitan—Cosmopolitan. New York |
Country Life—Country Life in America. Garden City |
Court and Society R—Court and Society Review. London |
Craftsman—Craftsman. New York |
Cur Lit—Current Literature. New York |
Cur Opinion—Current Opinion. New York |
Delin—Delineator. New York |
Daily Express—Daily Express. London |
Democratic R—Democratic Review. New York |
Dublin Univ M—Dublin University Magazine. Dublin |
Eclectic M—Eclectic Magazine. New York |
Eng Illust—English Illustrated Magazine. New York |
Eng R—English Review. London |
Eng Dom M—English Woman's Domestic Magazine. London |
Every Sat—Every Saturday. Boston |
Everybody's—Everybody's Magazine. New York |
Fortn—Fortnightly Review. London |
Fraser—Fraser's Magazine. London |
Freeman—Freeman. New York |
Gentleman's M—Gentleman's Magazine. London |
Godey—Godey's Ladies Book. Philadelphia |
Good H—Good Housekeeping. New York |
Good Words—Good Words. London |
Graham's M—Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art and Fashion. Philadelphia |
Hampton—Hampton Magazine. New York |
Harper—Harper's Monthly Magazine. New York |
Harp B—Harper's Bazar. New York |
Harp W—Harper's Weekly. New York |
Hearst's—Hearst's Magazine. New York |
Hesperian—Hesperian. Columbus, Ohio |
Hobby Horse—Hobby Horse. London |
Hogg's Instructor—Hogg's Instructor. London |
Household Words—Household Words. London |
Howitt—Howitt's Journal. London |
Illust Lond News—Illustrated London News. London |
Ind—Independent. New York |
International M—International Magazine. New York |
Internal R—International Review. New York |
Int Soc R—International Socialist Review. Chicago |
Knight's Quarterly M—Knight's Quarterly Magazine. London |
Ladies' H J—Ladies' Home Journal. Philadelphia |
Lakeside—Lakeside Monthly. Chicago |
Land of Sun—Land of Sunshine. Los Angeles |
Leisure Hour—Leisure Hour. London |
Lend a Hand—Lend a Hand. Boston |
Leslie's—Leslie's Monthly Magazine. New York |
Lippinc—Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia |
Liv Age—Living Age. Boston |
London M—London Magazine. London |
London Society—London Society. London |
Longman's—Longman's Magazine. London |
McBride's—McBride's Magazine. New York |
McClure—McClure's Magazine. New York |
Macmillan's M—Macmillan's Magazine. London |
Magnificat—Magnificat. Manchester |
Manhattan—Manhattan. New York |
Metropol—Metropolitan Magazine. New York |
Munsey—Munsey's Magazine. New York |
Murray—Murray's Magazine. London |