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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/13

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Ath—Athenaeum. London
Adventure—Adventure. New York
Ainslie's—Ainslie's. New York
All the Year—All the Year Round. London
Am City—American City. New York
Am M—American Magazine. New York
Appleton's M—Appleton's Magazine. Philadelphia
Argosy—Argosy: All Story Weekly. New York
Argosy (London)—Argosy. London
Asia—Asia. New York
Atlan—Atlantic Monthly. Boston
Belgravia—Belgravia. London
Bellman—Bellman. Minneapolis
Bentley—Bentley's Miscellany. London
Black and White—Black and White. London
Blackw—Blackwood's Magazine. Edinburgh
Book News—Book News. Philadelphia
Booklover's M—Booklover's Magazine. New York
Bookm—Bookman. New York
Broadway—Broadway Magazine. London
Canad M—Canadian Magazine. Toronto
Cassell's M—Cassell's Magazine. London
Cath W—Catholic World. New York
Cent—Century. New York
Century Guild Hobby Horse—Century Guild Hobby Horse. London
Chambers's J—Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh
Chant—Chautauquan. Meadville, Pa.
Colburn—Colburn's New Monthly Magazine. London
Collier's—Collier's the National Weekly. New York
Conkey's Home Journal—Conkey's Home Journal Chicago
Contemp—Contemporary Review. London
Cornhill—Cornhill Magazine. London
Cosmopolis—Cosmopolis. London
Cosmopolitan—Cosmopolitan. New York
Country Life—Country Life in America. Garden City
Court and Society R—Court and Society Review. London
Craftsman—Craftsman. New York
Critic—Critic New York
Cur Lit—Current Literature. New York
Cur Opinion—Current Opinion. New York
Delin—Delineator. New York
Daily Express—Daily Express. London
Democratic R—Democratic Review. New York
Dublin Univ M—Dublin University Magazine. Dublin
Eclectic M—Eclectic Magazine. New York
Eng Illust—English Illustrated Magazine. New York
Eng R—English Review. London
Eng Dom M—English Woman's Domestic Magazine. London
Era—Era. London
Every Sat—Every Saturday. Boston
Everybody's—Everybody's Magazine. New York
Fortn—Fortnightly Review. London
Forum—Forum. New York
Fraser—Fraser's Magazine. London
Freeman—Freeman. New York
Galaxy—Galaxy. New York
Gentleman's M—Gentleman's Magazine. London
Godey—Godey's Ladies Book. Philadelphia
Good H—Good Housekeeping. New York
Good Words—Good Words. London
Graham's M—Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art and Fashion. Philadelphia
Graphic—Graphic. London
Hampton—Hampton Magazine. New York
Harper—Harper's Monthly Magazine. New York
Harp B—Harper's Bazar. New York
Harp W—Harper's Weekly. New York
Hearst's—Hearst's Magazine. New York
Hesperian—Hesperian. Columbus, Ohio
Hobby Horse—Hobby Horse. London
Hogg's Instructor—Hogg's Instructor. London
Household Words—Household Words. London
Howitt—Howitt's Journal. London
Idler—Idler. London
Illust Lond News—Illustrated London News. London
Ind—Independent. New York
International M—International Magazine. New York
Internal R—International Review. New York
Int Soc R—International Socialist Review. Chicago
Knight's Quarterly M—Knight's Quarterly Magazine. London
Ladies' H J—Ladies' Home Journal. Philadelphia
Lakeside—Lakeside Monthly. Chicago
Land of Sun—Land of Sunshine. Los Angeles
Leisure Hour—Leisure Hour. London
Lend a Hand—Lend a Hand. Boston
Leslie's—Leslie's Monthly Magazine. New York
Lippinc—Lippincott's Magazine. Philadelphia
Liv Age—Living Age. Boston
London M—London Magazine. London
London Society—London Society. London
Longman's—Longman's Magazine. London
McBride's—McBride's Magazine. New York
McClure—McClure's Magazine. New York
Macmillan's M—Macmillan's Magazine. London
Magnificat—Magnificat. Manchester
Manhattan—Manhattan. New York
Metropol—Metropolitan Magazine. New York
Month—Month. London
Munsey—Munsey's Magazine. New York
Murray—Murray's Magazine. London