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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/174

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French, AnneContinued
Bride's prevision
In An original gentleman
Captain's charm
In Your child and mine
Lippinc 83:472
Cat's-paw strike
In Reader 10:198
Change of heart
In Delin 68:800 N '06
Christmas devotee
In Your child and mine
Christmas joy that came to Betty
In Ladies' H J 26:20 D '08
Closing of Santa Claus' door
In Your child and mine
In An original gentleman
Deacon's dilemma. Pt 1 of Mrs. Lathrop's love affair
In Cent 69:709
Dead letter come to life
In Lippinc 84:599
Domesticity and Mrs. Reed
In Delin 78:325
"Ee," said 'Lizabet "Ee" said Hans
In An original gentleman
Find the hero
In Reader 8:411, 505
Force of my will
In Metropol 16:683
Frau, a. D.
In An original gentleman
Game of desperation
In Metropol 24:724
Gaspard and his wax lady
In An original gentleman
German Easter and the Easter rabbit
In Your child and mine
Gran'ma Mullin's woe. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door
Her husband
In An original gentleman
Lippinc 73:714
Her marital recapitulation
In Lippinc 79:245
Himself reborn
In Your child and mine
His Majesty and the fairies
In Your child and mine
His one and only meet
In An original gentleman
His story, their letters
In His story
His terrible father
In An original gentleman
Jane and her genius
In An original gentleman
Jathrop Lathrop's cow
In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Cent 68:961
Little sister and the baby
In Your child and mine
Lord of all
In Munsey 30:264
Lucy Dill's wedding. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door
Madame's battle
In Munsey 30:159
Man of the future
In Canad M 39:21
Marrying of Susan Clegg
In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Cent 67:63
Cur Lit 37:349
Minister's vacation
In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Miss Clegg's adopted
In Susan Clegg and her friend Mrs. Lathrop
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Cent 68:470
Mr. Jilkin's hat. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door
Mrs. Lathrop's love affair. Deacon's dilemma. The automobile
In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' affairs
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Cent 69:838 pt 1; 709 pt 2
Mysterious man
In Your child and mine
New woman and the old
In Cent 79:85
No answer
In Metropol 16:413
Not uncommon
In Metropol 16:63
Old-fashioned school
In Your child and mine
Old man Ely's proposal
In Susan Clegg and her neighbors' affairs
Susan Clegg, her friend and her neighbors
Old witch and the black cats
In Your child and mine
Only failure in the family
In Ladies' H J 30:11 Jl '13
Original gentleman
In An original gentleman
Other side
In Cosmopol 48:212
Panther; a tale of temptation
In Panther
Parting of the clouds
In Your child and mine
"Le Petit"
In Your child and mine
In Metropol 30:29
Play is not the thing
In Cent 74:892
Practical care of a fairy
In Your child and mine
Reversed love letters
In An original gentleman
Salvation at sea
In Cosmopol 46:704