Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/252

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Hughes, RupertContinued
Plight of Azalea Vail
In Hearst's 23:270
In Sat Eve Post 180:5 N 2 '07
In In a little town
Sat Eve Post 186:5 O 4 '13
In In a little town
Quick-silver window
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
Sat Eve Post 181:8 Je 5 '09
Read it again
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
Cosmopol 66:27 My '19
In Sat Eve Post 182:12 My 28 '10
Sent for out
In Long ever ago
Metropol 41:11 F '15
She borrowed her own husband
In Lippinc 77:539
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
Cosmopol 68:26 Mr '20
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1920
Collier's 66:5 S 25 '20
Story I can't write
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
Strange doings in Carthage
In Everybody's 24:17 '11
In Sat Eve Post 188:3 N 13; 20 N 20 '15
Tingley's post-prandial trap
In Harp W 50:1460
Unto the children
In Cosmopol 56:191 Jl '13
In Collier's 68:3 S 10 '21
When crossroads cross again
In Collier's 67:5 Ja 29 '21
Where life is marked down
In Sat Eve Post 178:8 Je 2 '06
Yellow cords
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
You hadn't ought to go
In "Momma" and other unimportant people
Sat Eve Post 188:5 S 25 '15
Hugo, Victor Marie, viscomte, 1802-1885
Fight with a cannon
In Patten, W. International short stories v 3
Huldah, the help. Egglestpn, E.
Huldah the prophetess. Wiggin, K. D.
Huldrefish. Lie, J. L. I.
Hull, Alexander
In O. Henry memorial award prize stories of 1920
Human. Gale, Z.
Human element. Train, A. C.
Human love. Auerbach, B.
Human problem. See Futrelle, J. Brown coat Human tragedy. France, A.
Humble abolitionist. Harben, W. N.
Humble drama. Maupassant, G. de
Humble pie. Freeman, M. E. W.
Humble romance. Freeman, M. E. W.
Humble tragedy. Hallström, P.
Humiliation. Maupassant, G. de
Humin' natur' on the Han'bul 'nd St. Jo. Field, E.
Humoresque. Hurst, F.
Humoreske. Van Dyke, H.
Humplebee. Gissing, G. R.
Humphrey, George, 1889-
Father's hand
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories for 1918
Bookm 47:401
Hunchback. Gorky, M.
Hunding's wife. Huneker, J. G.
Hundred and oneth. Donnell, A. H.
Huneker, James Gibbons, 1860-1921
In Visionaries
In Melomaniacs
Brynhild's immolation
In Melomaniacs
Cardinal's fiddle
In Harper 132:257
Chopin of the gutter
In Melomaniacs
Corridor of time
In Melomaniacs
Cursory light
In Visionaries
Disenchanted symphony
In Melomaniacs
Dusk of the gods
In Melomaniacs
Eighth deadly sin
In Visionaries
Emotional acrobat
In Melomaniacs
Enchanted yodler
In Visionaries
Eternal duel
In Visionaries
Hall of the missing footsteps
In Visionaries
Haunted harpischord
In Visionaries
Hunding's wife
In Melomaniacs
Husband of madame
In Scrib M 60:603
Ibsen girl
In Melomaniacs
In Melomaniacs
Involuntary insurgent
In Melomaniacs