Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/410

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Princess Rosalba. Tracy, V.
Princess Rosetta and the pop-corn man. Freeman, M. E. W.
Princess Rosette. Perrault, C.
Princess Russalka. Wedekind, F.
Princess who wanted the moon. Hopkins, W. J.
Princesse. Maartens, M.
Princess's kingdom. Locke, W. J.
Princess's mirror. Le Gallienne, R.
Princess's tragedy. Thackeray, W. M.
Principal boy. Zangwill, I.
Principino. Hutten zum Stolzenberg, B.
Pringles; Death in both pockets. Morris, G.
Prior of Modena. Bandello, M.
Prioress of Ambresbury's tale of Saint Gervase of Plessy. See Hewlett, M. Saint Gervaise
Priscilla. Eggleston, E.
Priscilla. Seawell, M. E.
Priscilla's love-story. Spofford, H. P.
Priscilla's maying. Silberrad, U. L.
Prism. Freeman, M. E. W.
Prison of swords. Pemberton, M.
Prisoned soul. Garland, H.
Prisoner. Galsworthy, J.
Prisoner. Parker, G.
Prisoner in the Caucasus. Tolstoi, L. N.
Prisoner of Assiout. Allen, G.
Prisoner of Zembla. Henry, O.
Prisoners. Maupassant, G. de
Prisoner's defence. Doyle, A. C.
Prisoners of the Caucasus. Maistre, X. de
Prisoners of war. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Prisoner's van. Dickens, C.
Private clothes. Jacobs, W. W.
Private ginger. Empey, A. G.
Private history of a campaign that failed. Clemens, S. L.
Private history of the jumping frog. Clemens, S. L.
Private Learoyd's story. Kipling, R.
Private life. James, H.
Private soldier. Brown, A.
Private theatricals. Howells, W. D.
Private wire. Stringer, A. J.
Private's honor. See Harte, B. Stories three
Privy councillor. Chekhov, A. P.
Prize lodger. Gissing, G.
Prize money. Jacobs, W. W.
Prize of propriety. Bunner, H. C.
Prize poem. Phillpotts, E.
Pro bono publico. Chambers, R. W.
Pro Honora. Cabell, J. B.
Pro tempore. Wright, M. T.
Probation of Buckle's ghost. Barr, R.
Probationer. Watson, J.
Problem. Chekhov, A. P.
Problem. James, H.
Problem in honor. Thanet, O.
Problem in portraiture. Bates, A.
Problem of life. Björnson, B.
Procession of life. Hawthorne, N.
Procession of umbrellas. Smith, F. H.
Procurator of Judea. France, A.
Prodigal. Foote, M. H.
Prodigal daughter. Crockett, S. R.
Prodigal daughter. White, W. A.
Prodigal father. Harland, H.
Prodigal father. London, J.
Prodigal guest. Gale, Z.
Prodigal imp. Bacon, J. D.
Prodigal in Tahiti. Stoddard, C. W.
Prodigal son. Hogg, J.
Prodigal village; a Christmas tale. Bacheller, I. A.
Prodigals economize. Tracy, V.
Professional episode. Morrison, A.
Professional game. Hergesheimer, J.
Professional secret. Henry, O.
Professionals. Tracy, V.
Professor. Davis, C. B.
Professor. Gorky, M.
Professor. Thackeray, W. M.
Professor and the harpy. Weyman, S. J.
Professor and the painted lady. Williams, J. L.
Professor Fargo. James, H.
Professor No No. Osbourne, L.
Professor Todd's used car. Robbins, L. H.
Professor's chance. Herrick, R.
Professor's commencement. Gather, W. S.
Professor's mare. Jacks, L. P.
Profile. Gather, W. S.
Profitable business. Maupassant, G. de
Profitable weakness. Gissing, G.
Progress. Galsworthy, J.
Progress of Janet. Chambers, R. W.
Progress of the performing bear. Harris, J. c.
Prolificacy. Strindberg, J. A.
Prologue (to an unwritten play). Atherton, G.
Prologue to the cigar divan. Stevenson, R. L.
Prometheus. Perez de Ayala, R.
Promise. Donnell, A. H.
Promise. Maartens, M.
Promise of marriage. Gaboriau, E.
Promise of spring. Andreev, L.
Promised land. Wister, O.
Promises of Alice. Deland, M. W.
Promises of Dorothea. Deland, M.
Promotion. Gibbon, P.
Proof of the pudding. Henry, O.
Prop. Freeman, M. E. W.
Proper thing. Tracy, V.
Property-man, Tarkington, B.
Prophetess of the land of No-Smoke. Manning, M.
Prophetic pictures. Hawthorne, N.
Prophetic romancer. Slosson, A. T.
Prophet's paradise. Chambers, R. W.
Propriety of Pauline. Merrick, L.
Propriety Pratt, hypnotist. Lewis, A. H.
Prosecution of Mrs. Dullet. Page, T. N.
Prospector. Garland, H.
Prospector. White, S. E.
Prosperous gentleman. White, W. A.
Prospers old mother. Harte, B.
Protecting instinct. Miller, A. D.
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's. Harte, B.
Protest of the Wing dormitory. Phillpotts, E.
Prothalamion. Herrick, R.
Proud goat of Aloysius Pankburn. London, J.
Proud king. Morris, W. [Edgar]