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Wharton, Edith Newbold—Continued |
Letter |
In | Harper 108:781 |
Letters |
In | Tales of men and ghosts |
Cent 80:485, 641, 812 |
Line of least resistance |
In | Lippinc 66:559 |
Long run |
In | Xingu and other stories |
Atlan 109:145 |
Madame de Treymes |
In | Madame de Treymes |
Scrib M 40:167 |
Midsummer week's dream |
In | Scrib M 32:212 |
Mission of Jane |
In | Descent of man |
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories |
Harper 106:63 |
Mrs. Manstey's view |
In | Stories of New York (Stories from Scribner) |
Scrib M 10:117 |
Moving finger |
In | Crucial instances |
Harper 102:627 |
Muse's tragedy |
In | Greater inclination |
Scrib M 25:77 |
Other times, other manners |
In | Cent 82:344, 587 |
Other two |
In | Descent of man |
Pelican |
In | Greater inclination |
Scrib M 24:620 |
Portrait |
In | Greater inclination |
Pot-boiler |
In | Hermit and the wild woman |
Scrib M 36:696 |
Pretext |
In | Hermit and the wild woman |
Scrib M 44:173 |
Quicksand |
In | Descent of man |
Harper 105:13 |
Reckoning |
In | Descent of man |
Harper 105:342 |
Recovery |
In | Crucial instances |
Harper 102:468 |
Refugees |
In | Sat Eve Post 191:3 Ja 18, '19 |
Rembrandt |
In | Crucial instances |
Cosmopol 29:429 |
Sanctuary |
In | Sanctuary |
Scrib M 34:148, 280, 439, 57O |
Seed of the faith |
In | Scrib M 65:17 |
Souls belated |
In | Greater inclination |
Touchstone |
In | Touchstone |
Scrib M 27:354, 483 |
Triumph of night |
In | Xingu and other stories |
Scrib M 56:149 |
Twilight of the God |
In | Greater inclination |
Venetian night's entertainment |
In | Descent of man |
Scrib M 34:640 |
Verdict |
In | Hermit and the wild woman |
Scrib M 43:689 |
Xingu |
In | Xingu and other stories |
Scrib M 50:684 |
Wharton, Francis Willing |
Wrong door |
In | Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. |
Quaint courtships |
Wharton, Thomas, 1859-1896 |
Bobbo |
In | Warner library |
What dreams may come. Jordan, E. G. |
What did Marse Robert think? Montague, M. P. |
What dreams may come. Atherton, G. |
What dreams may come. Jordan, E. G. |
What every one else knew. Jordan, E. G. |
What goes up. Fisher, D. C. |
What happened after Mary McArthur cut her finger. Crockett, S. R. |
What happened afterward. Loomis, C. B. |
What happened at Miss Mmchin's. See Burnett, F. H. Sarah Crewe |
What happened at the Fonda. Harte, B. |
What happened to Alanna. Norris, K. |
What happened to father. Rinehart, M. R. |
What has become of Lord Camelford's body? Reade, C. |
What I found in the sea. Stockton, F. R. |
What is that in thine hand? Gale, Z. |
"What is happiness? Auerbach, B. |
What is truth? Loomis, C. B. |
What it comes to. Kipling, R. |
What makes people to live. See Tolstoi, L. N. What men live by |
What may happen along a road. Bierce, A. |
What men live by. Tolstoi, L. N. |
What might have been. Hawkins, A. H. |
What Mr. Grey said. Montague, M. P. |
What Mrs. Fortescue did. Bunner, H. C. |
What one man can do. Thanet, O. |
What price for fish? Connolly, J. B. |
What really happened. Smith, A. C. |
What shall we do with Angela? Vorse, M. H. |
What she wore. Ferber, E. |
What the bells saw and said. Alcott, L. M. |
What the donkey did. Andrews, M. R. S. |
What the girls did. Alcott, L. M. |
What the old graduate learned. Williams, J. L. |
What the shepherd saw. Hardy, T. |
What the tree-swallow sang in the buckthorn tree. Strindberg, J. A. |
What they seem. Gerould, K. F. |
What was expected of Miss Constantine. Hawkins, A. H. |
What was his motive? Harraden, B. |
What was it? O'Brien, F. |
What was the matter? Ward, E. S. P. |
What was the matter with Andrew? See Maupassant, G. de. Poor Andrew |