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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/508

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Wharton, Edith NewboldContinued
In Harper 108:781
In Tales of men and ghosts
Cent 80:485, 641, 812
Line of least resistance
In Lippinc 66:559
Long run
In Xingu and other stories
Atlan 109:145
Madame de Treymes
In Madame de Treymes
Scrib M 40:167
Midsummer week's dream
In Scrib M 32:212
Mission of Jane
In Descent of man
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Harper 106:63
Mrs. Manstey's view
In Stories of New York (Stories from Scribner)
Scrib M 10:117
Moving finger
In Crucial instances
Harper 102:627
Muse's tragedy
In Greater inclination
Scrib M 25:77
Other times, other manners
In Cent 82:344, 587
Other two
In Descent of man
In Greater inclination
Scrib M 24:620
In Greater inclination
In Hermit and the wild woman
Scrib M 36:696
In Hermit and the wild woman
Scrib M 44:173
In Descent of man
Harper 105:13
In Descent of man
Harper 105:342
In Crucial instances
Harper 102:468
In Sat Eve Post 191:3 Ja 18, '19
In Crucial instances
Cosmopol 29:429
In Sanctuary
Scrib M 34:148, 280, 439, 57O
Seed of the faith
In Scrib M 65:17
Souls belated
In Greater inclination
In Touchstone
Scrib M 27:354, 483
Triumph of night
In Xingu and other stories
Scrib M 56:149
Twilight of the God
In Greater inclination
Venetian night's entertainment
In Descent of man
Scrib M 34:640
In Hermit and the wild woman
Scrib M 43:689
In Xingu and other stories
Scrib M 50:684
Wharton, Francis Willing
Wrong door
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M.
Quaint courtships
Wharton, Thomas, 1859-1896
In Warner library
What dreams may come. Jordan, E. G.
What did Marse Robert think? Montague, M. P.
What dreams may come. Atherton, G.
What dreams may come. Jordan, E. G.
What every one else knew. Jordan, E. G.
What goes up. Fisher, D. C.
What happened after Mary McArthur cut her finger. Crockett, S. R.
What happened afterward. Loomis, C. B.
What happened at Miss Mmchin's. See Burnett, F. H. Sarah Crewe
What happened at the Fonda. Harte, B.
What happened to Alanna. Norris, K.
What happened to father. Rinehart, M. R.
What has become of Lord Camelford's body? Reade, C.
What I found in the sea. Stockton, F. R.
What is that in thine hand? Gale, Z.
"What is happiness? Auerbach, B.
What is truth? Loomis, C. B.
What it comes to. Kipling, R.
What makes people to live. See Tolstoi, L. N. What men live by
What may happen along a road. Bierce, A.
What men live by. Tolstoi, L. N.
What might have been. Hawkins, A. H.
What Mr. Grey said. Montague, M. P.
What Mrs. Fortescue did. Bunner, H. C.
What one man can do. Thanet, O.
What price for fish? Connolly, J. B.
What really happened. Smith, A. C.
What shall we do with Angela? Vorse, M. H.
What she wore. Ferber, E.
What the bells saw and said. Alcott, L. M.
What the donkey did. Andrews, M. R. S.
What the girls did. Alcott, L. M.
What the old graduate learned. Williams, J. L.
What the shepherd saw. Hardy, T.
What the tree-swallow sang in the buckthorn tree. Strindberg, J. A.
What they seem. Gerould, K. F.
What was expected of Miss Constantine. Hawkins, A. H.
What was his motive? Harraden, B.
What was it? O'Brien, F.
What was the matter? Ward, E. S. P.
What was the matter with Andrew? See Maupassant, G. de. Poor Andrew