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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/527

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Adams, O. F.
Archbishop' sunguarded moment, and other stories. 270p '99 Page
Aho, Juhani
Squire Hellman, and other stories; tr. from the Finnishby R. N. Bain. 162p (c '93) Cassell
Alarçon, P. A. de
Cocked hat; tr. from the Spanish by F. J. Ainy. 140p '91 Minerva publishing co.
Friend of death; a fantastic tale; adapted from the Spanish by Mary J. Serrano. 12mo 163p (c '91) New York, Cassell
Moors and Christians, and other tales. 266p '91 Cassell
Strange friend of Tito Gil; tr. from the Spanish by Mrs. Francis J. A. Darr. 12mo 133p (c '90) New York, Lovell
Alcott, L. M.
Aunt Joe's scrap-bag. 229p '05 Little
Candy country. 52p 50c '00 Little
Doll's journey. 72p 50c '02 Little
Garland for girls. 286p $1.20 '08 Little
Hole in the wall. 62p 50c '99 Little
Marjorie's three gifts. 41p 50c '99 Little
Modern Cinderella; or, The little old shoe. 96p 50c '04 Altemus
Modern Mephistopheles, and A whisper in the dark. 350p $1.35 '02 Little
Morning-glories and Queen Aster. 41p 50c '04 Little
Mountain-laurel and maiden-hair. 48p 50c '04 Little
On picket duty, and other tales. 12mo 96p '64 New York, Dexter, Hamilton & co.
Pansies and water-lillies. 76p 50c '03 Little
Poppies and wheat. 54p '00 Little
Proverb stories. 334p $1.20 '08 Little
Silver pitchers; and Independence, a centennial love story. 365p $1.20 '08 Little
Spinning-wheel stories. 304p $1.20 '08 Little
Aldrich, T. B.
Marjorie Daw, and other people. 272p '73 Osgood
Marjorie Daw, and other stories. 287p '85 Houghton
Midnight fantasy, and The little violinist. 96p '77 Osgood
Sea turn and other matters. 300p $1.25 '02 Houghton
Two bites at a cherry, with other tales. 269p $1.50 '94 Houghton
Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 9v '07 Houghton
Allen, Grant
Army doctor's romance, 93p '93 New York, Tuck
Backslider. 380p '91 New York, Lewis
Bride from the desert. 192p '96 New York, Fenno
Cruise of the Albatross; or, When was Wednesday the tenth? A story of the South Pacific. 121p '98 Lothrop
Twelve tales. 351p '99 London, Richards
Allen, J. L.
Aftermath. Part second of A Kentucky cardinal. 135p $1.00 '96 Harper
Bride of the mistletoe. 190p $1.25 '09 Macmillan
Cathedral singer. . . 12mo 142p $1.00 '16 Century
Flute and violin, and other Kentucky tales and romances. 308p $1.50 '00 Macmillan
Kentucky cardinal, and Aftermath. 276p $1.50 '00 Macmillan
Summer in Arcady; a tale of nature, 170p 50c '96 Macmillan
Sword of youth. . . 12mo 261p $1.25 '15 Century
Two gentlemen of Kentucky. 73p $1.25 '99 Harper
Andreev, Leonid
Crushed flower, and other stories; tr. from the Russian of Leonid Andreyev by Herman Bernstein. $1.50 net '16 Knopf
Dilemma; a story of mental perplexity . . . tr. by John Cournos. 114p '10 Philadelphia, Brown
Lazarus, by Leonid Andreyev. The gentleman from San Frisco, by Ivan Bunin; tr. by Abraham Yarmolinsky 58p '18 Boston, Stratford
Little angel, and other stories; tr. from the Russian. 255p '16 Knopf
Seven who were hanged; tr. by Herman Bernstein. 190p 60c '09 Ogilvie
Silence; tr. by John Cournos. 32p '10 Philadelphia, Brown
When the king loses his head, and other stories. 12mo $2.00 '20 New York, International book co.
Andrews, M. R. S.
Better treasure. 72p $1.00 '08 Bobbs-Merrill
Bob and the guides. 351p $1.50 '06 Scribner
Counsel assigned. 43p 50c '12 Scribner
Courage of the commonplace. 82p 50c '11 Scribner
Enchanted forest. 235p $1.50 '09 Dutton
Eternal feminine, and other stories. . . 360p '16 Scribner
Eternal masculine. 450p $1.30 '13 Scribner
Good Samaritan, 51p 50c '06 McClure
Her country. 81p '18 Scribner
His soul goes marching on. [Roosevelt] 12mo 84p '22 Scribner
Joy in the morning. 8vo 345p '19 Scribner
Kidnapped colony. 175p '03 Harper
Lifted bandage. 45p 50c '10 Scribner
Militants: stories of some parsons, soldiers, and other fighters in the world. 378p $1.35 '07 Scribner
Old glory. 126p '16 Scribner
Perfect tribute. 66p 50c '08 Scribner
Three things. 58p 50c '15 Little
Vive l'empereur. 159p '02 Scribner
Andrews, Mary Raymond S., and Murray, Roy Irving
August first. . . 12mo 179p $1.00 Scribner
Annunzio, Gabriele d'
Episcopo & company; tr. by Myrta Leonora Jones. 12mo 122p '96 Chicago, Stone
Tales of my native town; tr. by Prof. Rafael Mantellini . . . with an introd. by Joseph Hergesheimer. 12mo 28p $1.75 '20 Doubleday
Artsybashev, Mikhael Petrovich
Millionaire; tr. by Percy Pinkerton. 12mo 244p '17 Huebsch
Tales of the revolution; tr. by Percy Pinkerton. 286p '17 Huebsch
Atherton, Gertrude [Franklin (Horn)]
Before the Gringo came. 12mo 396p (c '94) New York, Tait
Bell in the fog, and other stories. 12mo 300p '05 Harper
Mrs. Pendelton's four-in-hand. 12mo 89p '03 Macmillan
Splendid idle forties; stories of old California . . . (Revised and enlarged edition of Before the Gringo came, 1894). 12mo 389p '02 Macmillan
What dreams may come; a romance by Franklin [pseud.]. 12mo 192p (c '80) Chicago, Clark, Belford
Whirl asunder. . . 12mo 192p (c '95) Stokes
Auerbach, Berthold
Black Forest village stories; tr. by Charles Goepp. . . . 12mo 377p '74 Holt
German evenings; tr. from the original by J. L. Lowdell. 8vo 325p '69 Chapman
German tales. 352p '69 Roberts
Aumomer, Stacy
Friends, and other stories. 12mo 189p '17 Century
Golden windmill, and other stories. 238p '21 Macmillan
Love-a-duck, and other stories. 12mo 588p '21 Hutchinson
Austin, M. H.
Basket woman; a book of fanciful tales for children. 220p $1.50 '04 Houghton
Lost borders. 208p $1.25 '09 Harper