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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/531

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Steppe, and other stories; tr. by Adeline Lister Kaye. 12mo 296p '16 Stokes
Stories of Russian life; tr. from the Russian by Marian Fell. 314p $1.35 '14 Scribner
Wife, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. 312p $1.50 '18 Macmillan
Witch, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. 328p $1.50 '18 Macmillan
Chesnytt, C. W.
Conjure woman. 229p $1.25 '99 Houghton
Wife of his youth. 323p $1.35 '99 Houghton
Clemens, S. L.
Writings of Mark Twain. (Author's national ed.) 25v '6p-'09 Harper
Writings of Mark Twain. (Autograph ed.) 22v '99'00 Hartford, American publishing co.
American claimant, and other stories. 545p $1.75 '97 Harper
Dog's tale. 35p $1.00 '04 Harper
Double-barrelled detective story. 189p $1.50 '02 Harper
Eve's diary. 109p $1.00 '06 Harper
Extracts from Adam's diary. 89p $1.00 '04 Harper
Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to heaven. 120p $1.00 '09 Harper
Horse's tail. 152p $1.00 '07 Harper
Jumping frog. 65p $1.00 '03 Harper
Man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other stories
and essays. 398p $1.75 '00 Harper
Merry tales. 209p '92 New York, Webster
Mysterious stranger; a romance. . . 12mo 150p '16 Harper
£1,000,000 bank-note, and other new stories. 260p '93 Webster
Sketches, new and old. 320p $1.75 '90 Hartford, American publishing co.
$30,000 bequest, and other stories. 522p $1.75 '06 Harper
Tom Sawyer abroad . . . and other stories. 410p '96 Harper
Collins, W. W.
After dark, and other stories. 536p $1.25 '75 Harper
Ghost's touch, and other stories. 198p $1.25 '85 Harper
"I say no"; or, The love-letter answered, and other stories. 233p $1.25 '86 Harper
Mrs. or Miss? and other stories. 325p '73 London, Bentley
Queen of hearts. 344p '62 London, Low
Shocking story. 57p (c '78) Barnes
Stolen mask; or, The mysterious cash-box. 31p '64 Columbia, S. C., DeFontaine
Yellow mask. 176p '90? Philadelphia, Strawbridge
Colum, Padraic
Girl who sat in the ashes. . . 12mo 175p $2.00 '19 Macmillan
Comer, C. A. P.
Book of martyrs. 179p '96 Scribner
Preliminaries, and other stories. 211p $1.00 '12 Houghton
Connolly, J. B.
Crested seas. 311p $1.35 '07 Scribner
Deep sea's toll. 315p $1.35 '05 Scribner
Head winds. 299p $1.35 '16 Scribner
Olympic victor. 185p $1.25 '08 Scribner
Open water. 322p $1.20 '10 Scribner
Out of Gloucester. 276p $1.35 '02 Scribner
Running free. 302p $1.35 '17 Scribner
Tide rips. . . 12mo 246p '22 Scribner
Sonnie-Boy's people. . . 363p $1.25 '13 Scribner
Trawler, 12mo 70p 50c '14 Scribner
Wide courses. 336p $1.25 '12' Scribner
Conrad, Joseph
Works (Sun-Dial ed.) 8vo '21 Doubleday
Falk; Amy Foster; To-morrow; three stories. 271p $1.35 '03 McClure
Point of honor; a military tale. 182p $1.20 '08 McClure
Set of six. 310p '08 London, Methuen
Shadow line; a confession. . . 12mo 197p '17
Tales of unrest. 348p $1.25 '98 Scribner
'Twixt land and sea. 287p '12 Hodder
Within the tides; tales. 300p $1.25 '16 Doubleday
Youth; a narrative, and three other stories. 381p $1.35 '03 McClure
Coppee, François
Rivals. 99p 50c '93 Harper
Tales for Christmas, and other seasons; tr. by Myrta L. Jones. 178p '00 Little
Ten tales; tr. by Walter Learned. 219p $1.25 '91 Harper
True riches. 163p '93 Appleton
Corelli, Marie
Angel's wickedness; a true story. 54p '03 New York, W. R. Beers
Cameos; short stories. 279p $1.00 '01 New York, Street
Christmas greetings. 316p $1.50 '01 Dodd
Jane. A social incident. 149p $1.25 '97 Lipptncott
Love of long ago, and other stories. 12mo 271p '20 London, Methuen
Silence of the Maharajah. 74p '95 Merriam
Song of Miriam, and other stories. 193p (c '98) New York, Munro
"Three wise men of Gotham." 39p '96 Lippincott
Craddock, C. E.
Bushwhackers, and other stories. 312p '99 Chicago, Stone
Down the ravine. 196p $1.00 '85 Houghton
Frontiersmen. 364p $1.25 '04 Houghton
In the Tennessee mountains. 322p $1.25 '84 Houghton
Mystery of Witch-face mountain. 279p $1.25 '95 Houghton
Phantoms of the foot-bridge. 353p $1.50 '95 Harper
Raid of the guerilla, and other stories. 334p $1.25 '12 Lippincott
Young mountaineers. 262p $1.35 '97 Houghton
Craigie, P. M. T.
Sinner's comedy. 154p (c '92) Cassell
Some emotions and a moral. 176p (c '91) Cassell
Some good intentions and a blunder. 67p (c '95) New York, Merriam
Tales about temperaments. 207p '02 Appleton
Tales of John Oliver Hobbes. 451p (c '97> Stokes
Crane, Stephen
George's mother. 177p '96 New York, Arnold
Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. 196p '96 Appleton
Maggie, a girl of the streets. 158p '96 Appleton
Monster, and other stories. 188p $1.25 '99 Harper
Open boat, and other tales of adventure, 336p '98 Doubleday
Whilomville stories. 198p $1.50 '00 Harper
Wounds in the rain. 347p '00 Stokes
Crawford, F. M.
Man overboard. 96p '03 Macmillan
Uncanny tales. 307p '11 London, Unwin
Upper berth, 145p '94 Putnam
Wandering ghosts. 302p $1.25 '11 Macmillan
Crockett, S. R.
Adventurer in Spain. 338p (c '03) Stokes
Bog-myrtle and peat; being tales chiefly of Galloway. 389p '95 Appleton
Love idylls. 315p $1.35 'ox Dodd
Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. 195p '94 Macmillan
Crosby, Margaret
Violin obligato, and other stories. 321p '91 Roberts
Curie, Richard
Echo of voices. . . 12mo 304p $1.50 '17 Knopf
Life is a dream. . . 12mo 327p '14 Doubleday
Cutting, M. S.
Just for two. 243p '09 Doubleday
Little stories of courtship. 232p $1.20 '05 McClure
Little stories of married life. 260p $1.20 '02 McClure
More stories of married life. 260p $1.20 '06 McClure
Refractory husbands, 12mo 232p $1.00 '13 Doubleday
Some of us are married. . . 12mo 380p '20 Doubleday
Suburban whirl, and other stories of married life. 202p '07 McClure

Daudet, Alphonse
Works. 24v ea $1.00 '99-'00 Little
La belle-Nivernaise, and other stories. 221p '95 Crowell
Fig and the idler; an Algerian legend. 103p '92 London, Unwin
Letters from my mill; tr. by F. H. Potter. 263p '93 Dodd
Letters to an absent one [in Daudet, A. Novels and romances]. 326, 248p (c '99, '09) Little