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Steppe, and other stories; tr. by Adeline Lister Kaye. 12mo 296p '16 Stokes |
Stories of Russian life; tr. from the Russian by Marian Fell. 314p $1.35 '14 Scribner |
Wife, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. 312p $1.50 '18 Macmillan |
Witch, and other stories . . . tr. from the Russian by Constance Garnett. 328p $1.50 '18 Macmillan |
Chesnytt, C. W. |
Conjure woman. 229p $1.25 '99 Houghton |
Wife of his youth. 323p $1.35 '99 Houghton |
Clemens, S. L. |
Writings of Mark Twain. (Author's national ed.) 25v '6p-'09 Harper |
Writings of Mark Twain. (Autograph ed.) 22v '99'00 Hartford, American publishing co. |
American claimant, and other stories. 545p $1.75 '97 Harper |
Dog's tale. 35p $1.00 '04 Harper |
Double-barrelled detective story. 189p $1.50 '02 Harper |
Eve's diary. 109p $1.00 '06 Harper |
Extracts from Adam's diary. 89p $1.00 '04 Harper |
Extract from Captain Stormfield's visit to heaven. 120p $1.00 '09 Harper |
Horse's tail. 152p $1.00 '07 Harper |
Jumping frog. 65p $1.00 '03 Harper |
Man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other stories |
and essays. 398p $1.75 '00 Harper |
Merry tales. 209p '92 New York, Webster |
Mysterious stranger; a romance. . . 12mo 150p '16 Harper |
£1,000,000 bank-note, and other new stories. 260p '93 Webster |
Sketches, new and old. 320p $1.75 '90 Hartford, American publishing co. |
$30,000 bequest, and other stories. 522p $1.75 '06 Harper |
Tom Sawyer abroad . . . and other stories. 410p '96 Harper |
Collins, W. W. |
After dark, and other stories. 536p $1.25 '75 Harper |
Ghost's touch, and other stories. 198p $1.25 '85 Harper |
"I say no"; or, The love-letter answered, and other stories. 233p $1.25 '86 Harper |
Mrs. or Miss? and other stories. 325p '73 London, Bentley |
Queen of hearts. 344p '62 London, Low |
Shocking story. 57p (c '78) Barnes |
Stolen mask; or, The mysterious cash-box. 31p '64 Columbia, S. C., DeFontaine |
Yellow mask. 176p '90? Philadelphia, Strawbridge |
Colum, Padraic |
Girl who sat in the ashes. . . 12mo 175p $2.00 '19 Macmillan |
Comer, C. A. P. |
Book of martyrs. 179p '96 Scribner |
Preliminaries, and other stories. 211p $1.00 '12 Houghton |
Connolly, J. B. |
Crested seas. 311p $1.35 '07 Scribner |
Deep sea's toll. 315p $1.35 '05 Scribner |
Head winds. 299p $1.35 '16 Scribner |
Olympic victor. 185p $1.25 '08 Scribner |
Open water. 322p $1.20 '10 Scribner |
Out of Gloucester. 276p $1.35 '02 Scribner |
Running free. 302p $1.35 '17 Scribner |
Tide rips. . . 12mo 246p '22 Scribner |
Sonnie-Boy's people. . . 363p $1.25 '13 Scribner |
Trawler, 12mo 70p 50c '14 Scribner |
Wide courses. 336p $1.25 '12' Scribner |
Conrad, Joseph |
Works (Sun-Dial ed.) 8vo '21 Doubleday |
Falk; Amy Foster; To-morrow; three stories. 271p $1.35 '03 McClure |
Point of honor; a military tale. 182p $1.20 '08 McClure |
Set of six. 310p '08 London, Methuen |
Shadow line; a confession. . . 12mo 197p '17 |
Tales of unrest. 348p $1.25 '98 Scribner |
'Twixt land and sea. 287p '12 Hodder |
Within the tides; tales. 300p $1.25 '16 Doubleday |
Youth; a narrative, and three other stories. 381p $1.35 '03 McClure |
Coppee, François |
Rivals. 99p 50c '93 Harper |
Tales for Christmas, and other seasons; tr. by Myrta L. Jones. 178p '00 Little |
Ten tales; tr. by Walter Learned. 219p $1.25 '91 Harper |
True riches. 163p '93 Appleton |
Corelli, Marie |
Angel's wickedness; a true story. 54p '03 New York, W. R. Beers |
Cameos; short stories. 279p $1.00 '01 New York, Street |
Christmas greetings. 316p $1.50 '01 Dodd |
Jane. A social incident. 149p $1.25 '97 Lipptncott |
Love of long ago, and other stories. 12mo 271p '20 London, Methuen |
Silence of the Maharajah. 74p '95 Merriam |
Song of Miriam, and other stories. 193p (c '98) New York, Munro |
"Three wise men of Gotham." 39p '96 Lippincott |
Craddock, C. E. |
Bushwhackers, and other stories. 312p '99 Chicago, Stone |
Down the ravine. 196p $1.00 '85 Houghton |
Frontiersmen. 364p $1.25 '04 Houghton |
In the Tennessee mountains. 322p $1.25 '84 Houghton |
Mystery of Witch-face mountain. 279p $1.25 '95 Houghton |
Phantoms of the foot-bridge. 353p $1.50 '95 Harper |
Raid of the guerilla, and other stories. 334p $1.25 '12 Lippincott |
Young mountaineers. 262p $1.35 '97 Houghton |
Craigie, P. M. T. |
Sinner's comedy. 154p (c '92) Cassell |
Some emotions and a moral. 176p (c '91) Cassell |
Some good intentions and a blunder. 67p (c '95) New York, Merriam |
Tales about temperaments. 207p '02 Appleton |
Tales of John Oliver Hobbes. 451p (c '97> Stokes |
Crane, Stephen |
George's mother. 177p '96 New York, Arnold |
Little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. 196p '96 Appleton |
Maggie, a girl of the streets. 158p '96 Appleton |
Monster, and other stories. 188p $1.25 '99 Harper |
Open boat, and other tales of adventure, 336p '98 Doubleday |
Whilomville stories. 198p $1.50 '00 Harper |
Wounds in the rain. 347p '00 Stokes |
Crawford, F. M. |
Man overboard. 96p '03 Macmillan |
Uncanny tales. 307p '11 London, Unwin |
Upper berth, 145p '94 Putnam |
Wandering ghosts. 302p $1.25 '11 Macmillan |
Crockett, S. R. |
Adventurer in Spain. 338p (c '03) Stokes |
Bog-myrtle and peat; being tales chiefly of Galloway. 389p '95 Appleton |
Love idylls. 315p $1.35 'ox Dodd |
Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. 195p '94 Macmillan |
Crosby, Margaret |
Violin obligato, and other stories. 321p '91 Roberts |
Curie, Richard |
Echo of voices. . . 12mo 304p $1.50 '17 Knopf |
Life is a dream. . . 12mo 327p '14 Doubleday |
Cutting, M. S. |
Just for two. 243p '09 Doubleday |
Little stories of courtship. 232p $1.20 '05 McClure |
Little stories of married life. 260p $1.20 '02 McClure |
More stories of married life. 260p $1.20 '06 McClure |
Refractory husbands, 12mo 232p $1.00 '13 Doubleday |
Some of us are married. . . 12mo 380p '20 Doubleday |
Suburban whirl, and other stories of married life. 202p '07 McClure |
Daudet, Alphonse |
Works. 24v ea $1.00 '99-'00 Little |
La belle-Nivernaise, and other stories. 221p '95 Crowell |
Fig and the idler; an Algerian legend. 103p '92 London, Unwin |
Letters from my mill; tr. by F. H. Potter. 263p '93 Dodd |
Letters to an absent one [in Daudet, A. Novels and romances]. 326, 248p (c '99, '09) Little |