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Horrors of Paris. A sequel to The Mohicans of Pans. 190p '75 Philadelphia, Peterson |
Masaniello; or, The fisherman of Naples. An historical romance. 140p '88 New York, Munro |
Mohicans of Paris. 189p '59 Philadelphia, Peterson |
Pauline; a tale of Normandy. 32p '42 New York, Winchester |
Prince of thieves; tr. by F. Adams. 126p '04 London, Methuen |
Snow ball and Sultanetta; tr. by A. Allinson. 132p '04 London, Methuen |
Wolf-leader; tr. by A. Allinson. '04 London, Methuen |
Dunbar, Alice |
Goodness of St. Rocque, and other stories. 224p 'gg Dodd |
Dunbar, P. L. |
Folks from Dixie. 263p $1.25 '98 Dodd |
In old plantation days. 307p $1.35 '03. Dodd |
Strength of Gideon, and other stories. 362p '00 Dodd |
Duncan, Norman |
Battles royal down North. . . 12mo 269p (c '18) Revell |
Bird-store man; an old-fashioned story. . . 12mo 136p 75c (c '14) Revell |
Christmas eve at Swamp's End. . . 12mo 32p 25c '15 Revell |
Every man for himself, 12mo 305p '07 Harper |
Finding his soul. 61p 50c '13 Harper |
Harbor tales down North. . . 12mo 282p (c '18) Revell |
Soul of the street: correlated stories of the New York Syrian quarter. 168p '00 McClure |
Suitable child. p6p $1.00 '09 Revell |
Way of the sea. 332p '03 McClure |
Dunsany, Lord Edward |
Time and the gods. 12mo 219p '13 Boston, Luce |
Book of wonder; a chronicle of little adventures at the edge of the world. . . 12mo 134p '15 Boston, Luce |
Dreamer's tales, and other stories; introd. by Padraic Colum. 12mo 212p '19 Boni & Liveright |
Last book of wonder. . . 12mo 213p (c '16) Boston, Luce |
Sword of Welleran, and other stories. . . 12mo 243p '08 London, Allen |
Dwight, Harry Griswold |
Emperor of Elam, and other stories, 12mo 387p '20 Doubleday |
Stamboul nights. . . 12mo 371p $1.25 '16 Doubleday |
Earle, M. T. |
Flag on the hilltop. 125p 90c '02 Houghton |
Man who worked for Collister. 248p '98 Boston, Copeland |
Through old-rose glasses, and other stories. 209p $1.25 '00 Houghton |
Wonderful wheel. 152p '96 Century |
Ebner von Eschenbach, Marie |
Two countesses; tr. by Mrs. Waugh. 176p '93 Cassell |
Eckstein, Ernest |
Chaldean magician. An adventure in Rome, in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian; tr. by Mary J. Safford. 112p '86 New York, Gottsberger |
Monk of the Aventine; tr. by Helen Hunt Jackson. 196p '94 Roberts |
Edgeworth, Maria |
Harry and Lucy; to which are added The little dog Trusty; The cherry orchard, and The orange |
man. 192p '56 Routledge |
Parent's assistant; or, Stories for children. 535p '53 Philadelphia, Hazard |
Tales and novels, 20v in 10 '35 Harper |
Waste not, want not, and other stories by Maria Edgeworth, Jane Taylor, and Mrs. Barbauld. 84p '04 Heath |
Edwards, Harry Stillwell |
Eneas Africanus. 12mo 38p (c '19) Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke co. |
His defense, and other stories. . . 12mo 217p '99 Century |
Just sweethearts; a Christmas love story. 12mo 91p (c '19) Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke co |
Mam'sella Delphine; a story of The Christmas. . . 8vo 30p (c '21) Macon, Ga., The Holly Bluff |
pub. co. |
Two runaways, and other stories. . . 8vo 246p (c '89) Century |
Eggleston, Edward |
Duffels; short stories. 262p '93 Appleton |
Mr. JBlake's walking stick; a Christmas story. 60p '70 New York, Randolph |
Eliot, George |
[The stories indexed appear in all editions under the volume titles as given; therefore editions are not given.] |
Empey, Arthur Guy |
Tales from a dugout. 269p '18 Century |
Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A. |
Strange stories. 190p '80 Appleton |
Ferber, Edna |
Buttered side down. 230p $1.00 '12 Harper |
Cheerful, by request. 366p '18 Doubleday |
Emma McChesney & Co. . . 231p $1.00 '15 Stokes |
Half portions, 12mo 315p '20 Doubleday |
Gigolo. 12mo 291p $1.75 '22 Doubleday |
Personality plus; some experiences of Emma McChesney and her son, Jack. . . 12mo 161p (c '14) |
Stokes |
Roast beef, medium. 296p $1.20 '13 Stokes |
Fernald, C. B. |
Cat and the cherub, and other stories. 250p $1.25 '96 Century |
Under the jack-staff. 262p $1.25 '03 Century |
Field, Eugene |
Writings in prose and verse, '11 Scribner |
Holy cross, and other tales. 191p '93 Chicago, Stone |
Little book of profitable tales. 286p '89 Chicago, Wilson |
Second book of tales, 341p $1.25 '96 Scribner |
Stars; a slumber story. 70p 50c '06 Scribner |
Temptation of Friar Gonson. A story of the devil, two saints, and a booke. '00 Washington, Woodward |
Fisher, Mrs. Dorothea C. |
Hillsboro people. , . $1.35 '15 Holt |
Home fires in France. . . 12mo 306p '18 Holt |
Real motive. 12mo 334p $1.40 '16 Holt |
Flaubert, Gustave |
Complete works. IQV (Brunetiere ed.) (c '04) Dunne |
Foote, M. H. |
In exile, and other stories. 253p '95 Houghton |
Prodigal, 99p '00 Houghton |
Touch of sun, and other stories. 273p $1.35 '03 Houghton |
Ford, P. L. |
Checked love affair, and "The Cortelyou feud." 112p '03 Dodd |
Great K. and A. train robbery; a novel. 200p Dodd |
His version of it. 109p '05 Dodd |
Love finds a way. 170p '04 Dodd |
Warning for lovers, and "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." 103p '06 Dodd |
Fox, John, jr. |
Blue-grass and rhododendron; outdoors in Kentucky. 294p $1.75 '01 Scribner |
Christmas eve on Lonesome, and other stories. 234p $1.35 '04 Scribner |
Cumberland vendetta, and other stories. 221p '96 |
"Hell fer sartain," and other stories. 118p '97 Harper |
In Happy Valley. 229p $1.35 '17 Scribner |
Kentuckians; A knight of the Cumberland. 259p $1.00 '09 Scribner |
Knight of the Cumberland. 155p '06 Scribner |
Mountain Europa. 279p $1.25 '09 Scribner |
France, Anatole |
Works. In an English tr. and ed. by Frederick Chapman. '15 London, Lane |
Balthasar, a tr. by Mrs. John Lane. 225p $1.75 '09 |
Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet, and other profitable tales; a tr. by Winifred Stephens. 238p $1.75 '15 New York, Lane |
Our children; scenes from the country and town. 4to 250 $2.25 '17 Duffield |
Seven wives of Bluebeard, and other marvellous tales; a tr. by D. B. Stewart. (Works of Anatole France v 27) 12mo 217p '20 New York, Lane |
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket; tr. by Henri Pèrre Du Bois. 12mo 247p '96 New York, G. H. Richmond |