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Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/533

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Horrors of Paris. A sequel to The Mohicans of Pans. 190p '75 Philadelphia, Peterson
Masaniello; or, The fisherman of Naples. An historical romance. 140p '88 New York, Munro
Mohicans of Paris. 189p '59 Philadelphia, Peterson
Pauline; a tale of Normandy. 32p '42 New York, Winchester
Prince of thieves; tr. by F. Adams. 126p '04 London, Methuen
Snow ball and Sultanetta; tr. by A. Allinson. 132p '04 London, Methuen
Wolf-leader; tr. by A. Allinson. '04 London, Methuen
Dunbar, Alice
Goodness of St. Rocque, and other stories. 224p 'gg Dodd
Dunbar, P. L.
Folks from Dixie. 263p $1.25 '98 Dodd
In old plantation days. 307p $1.35 '03. Dodd
Strength of Gideon, and other stories. 362p '00 Dodd
Duncan, Norman
Battles royal down North. . . 12mo 269p (c '18) Revell
Bird-store man; an old-fashioned story. . . 12mo 136p 75c (c '14) Revell
Christmas eve at Swamp's End. . . 12mo 32p 25c '15 Revell
Every man for himself, 12mo 305p '07 Harper
Finding his soul. 61p 50c '13 Harper
Harbor tales down North. . . 12mo 282p (c '18) Revell
Soul of the street: correlated stories of the New York Syrian quarter. 168p '00 McClure
Suitable child. p6p $1.00 '09 Revell
Way of the sea. 332p '03 McClure
Dunsany, Lord Edward
Time and the gods. 12mo 219p '13 Boston, Luce
Book of wonder; a chronicle of little adventures at the edge of the world. . . 12mo 134p '15 Boston, Luce
Dreamer's tales, and other stories; introd. by Padraic Colum. 12mo 212p '19 Boni & Liveright
Last book of wonder. . . 12mo 213p (c '16) Boston, Luce
Sword of Welleran, and other stories. . . 12mo 243p '08 London, Allen
Dwight, Harry Griswold
Emperor of Elam, and other stories, 12mo 387p '20 Doubleday
Stamboul nights. . . 12mo 371p $1.25 '16 Doubleday

Earle, M. T.
Flag on the hilltop. 125p 90c '02 Houghton
Man who worked for Collister. 248p '98 Boston, Copeland
Through old-rose glasses, and other stories. 209p $1.25 '00 Houghton
Wonderful wheel. 152p '96 Century
Ebner von Eschenbach, Marie
Two countesses; tr. by Mrs. Waugh. 176p '93 Cassell
Eckstein, Ernest
Chaldean magician. An adventure in Rome, in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian; tr. by Mary J. Safford. 112p '86 New York, Gottsberger
Monk of the Aventine; tr. by Helen Hunt Jackson. 196p '94 Roberts
Edgeworth, Maria
Harry and Lucy; to which are added The little dog Trusty; The cherry orchard, and The orange
man. 192p '56 Routledge
Parent's assistant; or, Stories for children. 535p '53 Philadelphia, Hazard
Tales and novels, 20v in 10 '35 Harper
Waste not, want not, and other stories by Maria Edgeworth, Jane Taylor, and Mrs. Barbauld. 84p '04 Heath
Edwards, Harry Stillwell
Eneas Africanus. 12mo 38p (c '19) Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke co.
His defense, and other stories. . . 12mo 217p '99 Century
Just sweethearts; a Christmas love story. 12mo 91p (c '19) Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke co
Mam'sella Delphine; a story of The Christmas. . . 8vo 30p (c '21) Macon, Ga., The Holly Bluff
pub. co.
Two runaways, and other stories. . . 8vo 246p (c '89) Century
Eggleston, Edward
Duffels; short stories. 262p '93 Appleton
Mr. JBlake's walking stick; a Christmas story. 60p '70 New York, Randolph
Eliot, George
[The stories indexed appear in all editions under the volume titles as given; therefore editions are not given.]
Empey, Arthur Guy
Tales from a dugout. 269p '18 Century
Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Strange stories. 190p '80 Appleton

Ferber, Edna
Buttered side down. 230p $1.00 '12 Harper
Cheerful, by request. 366p '18 Doubleday
Emma McChesney & Co. . . 231p $1.00 '15 Stokes
Half portions, 12mo 315p '20 Doubleday
Gigolo. 12mo 291p $1.75 '22 Doubleday
Personality plus; some experiences of Emma McChesney and her son, Jack. . . 12mo 161p (c '14)
Roast beef, medium. 296p $1.20 '13 Stokes
Fernald, C. B.
Cat and the cherub, and other stories. 250p $1.25 '96 Century
Under the jack-staff. 262p $1.25 '03 Century
Field, Eugene
Writings in prose and verse, '11 Scribner
Holy cross, and other tales. 191p '93 Chicago, Stone
Little book of profitable tales. 286p '89 Chicago, Wilson
Second book of tales, 341p $1.25 '96 Scribner
Stars; a slumber story. 70p 50c '06 Scribner
Temptation of Friar Gonson. A story of the devil, two saints, and a booke. '00 Washington, Woodward
Fisher, Mrs. Dorothea C.
Hillsboro people. , . $1.35 '15 Holt
Home fires in France. . . 12mo 306p '18 Holt
Real motive. 12mo 334p $1.40 '16 Holt
Flaubert, Gustave
Complete works. IQV (Brunetiere ed.) (c '04) Dunne
Foote, M. H.
In exile, and other stories. 253p '95 Houghton
Prodigal, 99p '00 Houghton
Touch of sun, and other stories. 273p $1.35 '03 Houghton
Ford, P. L.
Checked love affair, and "The Cortelyou feud." 112p '03 Dodd
Great K. and A. train robbery; a novel. 200p Dodd
His version of it. 109p '05 Dodd
Love finds a way. 170p '04 Dodd
Warning for lovers, and "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." 103p '06 Dodd
Fox, John, jr.
Blue-grass and rhododendron; outdoors in Kentucky. 294p $1.75 '01 Scribner
Christmas eve on Lonesome, and other stories. 234p $1.35 '04 Scribner
Cumberland vendetta, and other stories. 221p '96
"Hell fer sartain," and other stories. 118p '97 Harper
In Happy Valley. 229p $1.35 '17 Scribner
Kentuckians; A knight of the Cumberland. 259p $1.00 '09 Scribner
Knight of the Cumberland. 155p '06 Scribner
Mountain Europa. 279p $1.25 '09 Scribner
France, Anatole
Works. In an English tr. and ed. by Frederick Chapman. '15 London, Lane
Balthasar, a tr. by Mrs. John Lane. 225p $1.75 '09
Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet, and other profitable tales; a tr. by Winifred Stephens. 238p $1.75 '15 New York, Lane
Our children; scenes from the country and town. 4to 250 $2.25 '17 Duffield
Seven wives of Bluebeard, and other marvellous tales; a tr. by D. B. Stewart. (Works of Anatole France v 27) 12mo 217p '20 New York, Lane
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket; tr. by Henri Pèrre Du Bois. 12mo 247p '96 New York, G. H. Richmond