Cannibalism, Some Relics of, 22, 104.
Captain Cook, Foot-tracks of, 35, 24.
Growth of some Indigenous and other Trees in N.Z., 34, 386.
Thermal Springs in Lake Waikare, Waikato, 23, 527.
Dodonidia helmsi, Criticism of Mr. P. Marshall's Paper on, 30, 559.
Lepidoptera, Two New Species of: Orthosia margarita and Asaphodes siris, 29, 282.
Cultivation of Native Trees, 5, 452.
Lime as a Manure, 9, 206.
Trees suitable for Streets and Avenues, 7, 519.
Address to Auckland Institute, 1874, 7, 513.
Beginnings of Life, Remarks on Dr. Rastian's Work on, 6, 400.
Eclipses, 4, 389.
Eclipse of the Sun, 1876, 9, 640.
Gold, Improvements in Processes for Extracting and Saving, 2, 174.
Occultation of Stars by the Moon, Prediction of, 6, 57.
Presidential Address to Auckland Institute—1871, 4, 383; 1872, 5, 442.
Earth's Motion in Space, The Equatorial Component of the, 34, 513.
Mathematical Treatment of the Problem of Production, Rent, Interest, and Wages, 34, 514.
Mercury, Note on the Vapour-density of, 33, 382.
Anomia walteri, a New Shell, 27, 292.
Auriferous Cements in N.Z., Distribution of, 13, 429.
Belemnites found in N.Z., 10, 484.
Birds observed during a Voyage to England, 8, 199.
Black Sulphur: its Occurrence in the Native State, 20, 442.
Botany, Geographical, of N.Z., 1, Pt. iii. 3 [2nd ed., 157].
Brunner Mine Disaster, 29, 602.
Canada, Western: Early Explorations and Colonisation, 33, 552.
Canterbury Mountains, Geological Structure of, 17, 337.
Ceratodus fosteri ['forsteri]. 7, 490.
Cetacea in Colonial Museum, Notes on, 2, 26.
Cetacea of N.Z., Notes on the, 9, 477.
Cetacea of N.Z., Recent and Fossil, 13, 434.
Cnemiornis calcitrans, showing its Affinity to Lamellirostrate Natatores, 6, 76.
Coalfields, Relative Ages of the Australian, Tasmanian, and N.Z., 10, 532.
Coryphænoides novæ-zelandiæ, a New Species of Fish, 3, 136.
Crustacea of N.Z., 9, 472.
Delphinus forsteri, Notes on, 6, 85.
Dinornis giganteus, Discovery of Bones of, on the Surface, 27, 655.
Dog, Remains of a, found near White Cliffs, Taranaki, 9, 243.
Dolphins of the N.Z. Seas, 17, 207.
Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena observed in N.Z. in 1868, 1, 93 [2nd ed., 35].
Earthquakes in N.Z., 20, 450.
Ferns of N.Z., Corrected List of, 3, end of vol.
Fish, New: Hypolycodes haastii, 13, 194.
Fishes of N.Z., Notes on, 34, 239.
Flight of certain Birds, Anatomy of, 27, 284.
Fossil Brachiopoda of N.Z., 11, 537.
Fossil Flora of N.Z., 11, 536.
Fossil Penguin from West Coast of Nelson Province, 4, 341.
Fossil Reptilia of N.Z., 6, 333.
Fur-seal of N.Z., 4, 196.
Geology of the Outlying Islands of N.Z., 2, 176; 28, 736, 738.
Ichthyology of N.Z., 7, 239; 9, 465; 16, 322.
Longitude of Wellington Observatory, 7, 502.
Mercurial Springs of the Bay of Islands, 10, 535.
Mesoplodon hectori, Variation in the Dentition of, 6, 86.
Mining in N.Z., 2, 361.
Moa-bones in Gold-drift, 29, 607.
Moa, Distribution and Possible Causes of Extinction of the, 25, 555.
Moa Remains in N.Z., Recent, 4, 110.
Motella novæ-zelandiæ, 6, 107.
New Zealand Mean Time, 1, 48 [2nd ed., 451]; Errata, 3, 365.
Ophisurus, Species of, found on Coast of N.Z., 2, 34.
Oyster-culture in N.Z., 27, 670.
Petrel, Antarctic (Priocella antarctica), 9, 464.
Planarian, Land, Notes on a, 25, 255.
Pomaderris, New Species of: P. tainui, 11, 428.
Presidential Address to Wellington Philosophical Society—1872, 5, 407; 1873, 6, 367; 1881, 14, 531, 541; 1886, 19, 461.