Forest Conservancy: Climatic and Financial Aspect as applicable to N.Z., 9, App. xxvii.
Forestry, State: its Aim and Object, 9, 187.
Brake Fins: a Proposed Appliance for the Better Handling of Ocean-steamers, 24, 641.
Bush, Disappearance of the N.Z., 29, 490.
Bush, Future of the N.Z., 31, 471.
Cordyline terminalis, Occurrence in N.Z. of, 33, 301.
Deer, Effect of, on the N.Z. Bush: a Plea for Protection of Forest Reserves, 25, 435.
Ferneries, Public: a Suggestion, 26, 619.
Flax, An Abnormal Growth of N.Z., 14, 374.
Kokowai, Maori Method of preparing and using, 36, 4.
Kumara, Cultivation and Treatment of the, 35, 12.
Lightning, A Flash of, 37, 580.
Maori Preserved Heads, 27, 610.
Maori, The Passing of the: an Inquiry into the Principal Causes of the Decay of the Race, 40, 154.
Pulp, The Age of: a Speculation on the Future of the Wood-fibre Industry, 23, 523.
Saurian, A Rare, 37, 351.
Winged Pilot of Hawaiki, 38, 127.
Address to Otago Institute, 1871, 4, 409.
Astronomy and Celestial Physics, 5, App. l.
Atmospheric Pressure: Local Variations dependent on Strength of Winds, 5, 106.
Fur-seal of N.Z., 4, 199.
Moon and the Weather, 3, Proc. 62.
Natural-history Collections in Otago Museum, 3, 203.
Plants collected near Invercargill, 5, 360.
Presidential Address to Otago Institute—1875, 8, 434; 1876, 9, 647.
Psychic Force (so called): Notes upon the Experiments made by Mr. Crookes, 4, 421.
Sailing Flight of the Albatros, Mechanical Principles involved in, 2, 233.
Seals of the Genus Stenorhyncus captured on East Coast of Otago, 2, 28.
Sinking Funds: Notes on a Paper by Captain Hutton, 3, 325.
Whale-fisheries, Report on, 3, Proc. 68.
Zodiacal Light, 5, App. xlvii.
Dredging on the Continental Shelf of N.Z., Results of, 38, 305.
Fauna, Additions to the N.Z., 38, 309.
Molluscan Fauna, Additions to the N.Z., 40, 254.
Shells of N.Z., New Species of Marine, together with Remarks on some Non-marine Species, and some Additions to the "Index Faunæ," 37, 276.
Drift Beds of Wakapuaka and Port Hills, with Remarks on the Boulder Bank and its Formation, 17, 344.
Resemblance of Country in Neighbourhood of Dun Mountain and Wairoa Gorge to Mining Districts of Queensland and Auckland, 3, 287.
Anas boschas: Note on Female assuming Plumage of Male, 20, 39.
Arachnids: the Small Pond in the Forest, 32, 408.
Are they Old Kumara-pits? 32, 396.
Bird Moa and its Aliases, 27, 262.
Cook's Last Voyage, Relics of, 21, 397.
Dog of N.Z., Native, 24, 540.
Dogs of N.Z., Wild, 22, 327.
Ducks, Hybrid, bred from Common Duck and Grey Duck, 18, 134.
Goat, The Travelled [with Captain Cook], 35, 209.
Have we the Remains of a Swimming Swan-like Moa? 32, 339.
Horse, The: a Study in Philology, 35, 211.
Hybridism, 33, 199.
Instincts, Inherited, and Anecdotes of Domestic Animals, 32, 272.
Kea, a Sheep-eating Parrot, 27, 273.
Maori Earthwork Fortification, 32, 398.
Maori Pa at Lake Te Anau, 26, 513.