oblong-oval , very obtuse or retuse, entire, glabrous, glaucous, somewhat fleshy; petiole ¼ in. Flowers few, rather large, in terminal corymbose racemes, without bracts; pedicels, ¾ in., smooth; Calyx-lobes ¼ in , lanceolate, acute or obtuse, reflexed. Petals distant, ¼ in., ovate, acute, erect, veined, green. Stamens much exceeding petals, spreading; filaments white, anthers green; gynophore ¼ in., ovary short, truncate. Fruit yellow, 1-3 in. (Brandis); a berry 1-2 in. long, fleshy, irregularly, and interrupted by moniliform, smooth, many-seeded; each seed portion forming almost a separate berry. Cotyledons fleshy, involute. Flowers green, sweet-scented.
Part used :— The root.
Use : — The root slightly resembles liquorice root in appearance and taste. It is said to be used as an alterative, tonic and stimulant.
This plant has two varieties :-— Var. 1. glabra. Hooker's Ic. Pl. t. 127.
Var. 2. scabra, Camb in Jacq. Voy. Bot. 22, t-23, 24. Niebuhria oblongifolia, Royle III. 73.
89. Cratœva religiosa, Forsk. h.f.b.i, i.172.
Syn. :— Capparis trifoliata, Roxb. 426.
Sans. : — Var una ; asmarighna.
Vern. : — Barua, barun, bilasi, bila, biliana(Hind.); Barun, tikto-shak (Beng.); Tailadu, bun boronda (Mechi ); Purbong, (Lepcha) ; Barua, barnahi, (Pb.); Raj Bela, bel (C.P.); Vayavarna, Chatavarna, hadavarna, kunla, warnna, karvan (Bomb.); kumla, karwan (Mar.); maralingam, marvilinga, narvala, (Tam.); (Nirvala vituse) iKau,, Mai. J; uskia, usiki, asiki maun, ulimidi, Lirimidi, urimitfi, tella ulimidi, tella vule (Tel.).
Habitat: — Near streams in Malabar and Canara; cultivated elsewhere in India.
A moderate-sized, spreading, unarmed, deciduous, tree. Bark grey, | in. thick, with long horizontal wrinkles. Wood yellowish-white, when old turning light brown, moderately