Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/204

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the precipitate was filtered off, washed with alcohol and dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid. The yield was two per cent, of the weight of the seeds. (J. S. Ch. I 31-5-1905, pp. 55—8).

109. Hydnocarpus Wightiana, Blume. h.f.b.i, i.196.

Vern. :— Kowti (called) in Rajapur, Ratanagiri District, whence the purest oil of seed, can be procured, Kadu-Kavata (Bomb.); Kosto (Goa); Maravettie (Tam.); Morotti, (Mal.); Jangli badam (seeds); Jangli badam ka tel (oil) (Dec.): Niradivittalu (seeds); niradi-vittulu-nune (oil) (Tel.)

Habitat: — Western Peninsula, from the S. Concan along the Coast range.

A tall tree. Wood whitish. Twigs usually brown, pubescent (rarely glabrate), as are the recemes. Leaves 4-9 by 1½-4 in., coriaceous or membranous, sometimes deeply obtusely serrate or toothed, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, long, acuminate, base round, acute or subcordate. Petiole ¼-½ in. Flowers 1 in. diam., solitary or racemed. white, pentandrous. Sepals green, pubescent, 3 inner ones longer. Petals ciliate, twice as long as the ovate, fimbriate scales. Stamens villous at base, equalling the petals. Female flowers with imperfect stamens. Ovary densely pubescent. Fruit a berry, 2-4 in., of the size of a small orange, with a hard rind, many-seeded, tomentose. Seeds obtusely angular, embedded in pulp, testa crustaceous, striate. Albumen oily; colyledons very broad, flat.

Parts used : — The seeds.

Use : — The seeds have long been used as a domestic remedy upon the Western Coast, in certain obstinate skin diseases, ophthalmia, and a dressing for wounds and ulcers. The oil expressed from them is used in scabby eruptions mixed with an equal portion of Jatropha curcas oil, sulphur, camphor and lime-juice. For scald head, equal parts of the oil and lime water are used as a liniment. The oil has been recommended as a substitute for Chaulmogra. and is being used in the Bombay Presidency, with satisfactory results. In the Konkan also, the oil has a reputation as a remedy for Barsati in horses.