Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/285

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Causes intolerable itching, if touched or handled ; oil removes the hairs, and the itching, effectually (J. J. Wood's Plants of Chutia Nagpur, p 85 )

180. S. scaphigera, Wall, h.f.b.l, i. 361.

Habitat : — Chittagong.

A tall, deciduous, glabrous tree. Leaves glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, 1-nerved, 12-14 by 6 in., coriaceous, base rounded. Petiole 4-5 in., thickened at the top. Flowers panicled. Calyx ¼in., pilose, campanulate, five-parted, lobes reflexed. Male flowers : — -Stamens 10-15. Anthers 16-15, pilose. Ovary villous on a long slender stalk, 2-celled, with a ring of sessile anthers at the base. Style filiform ; Stigmas 2-lobed, subcapitate. Follicles large, leafy, boat-shaped, dilated at the base, opening-long before maturity, at first pilose, ultimately 6-8 by 3-4 in., venose-reticulate, 1-2 seeded. Seeds globose, solitary, albuminous ; cotyledons pale-green, radicle next the hilum.

Part used : — The fruit.

Use : — The fruit is used is China as a remedy for dysentery.

181. Helicteres isora, Linn,, h.f.b.l, i. 365., Roxb. 506.

Sans. : — Avartani.

Vern. : — Marosi, marorphali, jonka-phali, kapási, bhendu (H.); Antamorá (B.) ; Vurkatee (Sind.); Dhameenee (Dec); Murad Shing (Maráthi) ; Kawun (Bomb.) ; Aita (Gond) ; Valum-birikai (Tam.) ; Gubadarra (Tel.)

Habitat : — Dry forests throughout Central and Western India, from Behar as far west as Jammu, and the Western Peninsula. In the Thana Adawlat Garden (1881) there is a beautiful plant six feet high. K.R.K. Ceylon low country.

Arborescent or shrubby. Leaves 3 by 2½ in., bifarious, obliquely cordate, roundish, obovate, often lobed, shortly acuminate, serrate, scabrous above, pubescent beneath ; petiole ¼ in., as long as the linear subulate stipules. Peduncles 2-3 together, in a short axillary cyme. Bracteoles small, subulate. Flowers