K2O | Na2O | CaO | MgO | Fe2O3 | P2O5 | SO3 | SIO2 | CI. | |
1 | 19.37 | 7.60 | 30.73 | 1.19 | 4.71 | 8.24 | 4.35 | 21.97 | 1.23 |
2 | 18.85 | 7.55 | 28.92 | 0.96 | 5.08 | 7.87 | 3.91 | 25.19 | 0.99 |
In composition, fenugreek resembles Trifolium incarnatum—— LXXVIII. pt. II. 1900, p. 364.
Trigonella Fœnumgrœcum.
347. Melilotus parvi flora, Desf., h.f.b.i., ii. 89.
Syn. : — Trifolium indicum, Linn, Roxb. 588.
Sans. : — Vana-methika.
Vern. ;— Sinjee (Pb ) ; Zir (Sind.) ; Banmethi (H.)
Habitat : — Western Peninsula, Bengal and U. P.
An under-shrub, 2-3ft. high, with firm, slender branches and membranous leaves, thinly clothed with adpressed grey hairs. The branches soon turn glabrescent. Stipules minute setaceous. Petioles ½-¾in. Leaflets always 3, obovate, the end one 1-1½ in. long, stalked, the side ones opposite. Racemes congested, 6-12-flowered, usually sessile, seldom over an inch long. Calyx 1/12-⅛in., white-canescent ; teeth long, setaceous. Corolla purplish-red, twice the Calyx. Pod straight, tetragonous, 6-10- seeded, not torulose, ¾-1¼ in. long ; the firm glabrescent valves obtusely keeled.
Use. — The seeds are said to be useful in bowel complaints and infantile diarrhœa, given as a gruel (Murray).
348. M. officinalis, Willd., h. f. b. i., ii. 89.
Syn. : — Trifolium officinale, Willd. Roxb. 588.
Vern. :— Aspurk (H.) ; Tireer (Pers.); Bun-piring (B.).
Habitat : — Nubra and Ladak.