in ether or chloroform. The oil may be separated by distillation. It is light-yellow, with a pungent odour, and if exposed to the air evolves sulphuretted hydrogen. An alcoholic tincture of the drug is precipitated by acetate of lead, and a solution in sulphuric acid is fluorescent. (Watt's Commercial Products p. p. 534-535.)
581. Peucedanum graveolens, Benth., h.f.b.l, ii. 709.
Syn. : — Anetheum sowa, Roxb. 272.
Sans. : — Misreya.
Vern : — Sowa, Soya (H.) ; Suva, Shopha, Shepoo, Shewpâ (Mar., Bomb) Shoyikirai-virai, Shatakuppi-virai (Tam.) ; Sompa (Tel.) ; Sayi (Dec.) ; Soolpha (B.)
Habitat : — Throughout tropical and subtropical India.
A perennial, glabrous herb, l-3ft. Leaves 2-3-pinnate, ultimate segments of the leaves ½-lin., linear. Pedicels many, ½in. Bracts and bracteoles absent. Petals yellow. Styles small. Fruit 1/6 by 1/12in., narrowly winged, plano-convex, 2-3 times as broad as thick. Dorsal and intermediate ridges distinct, slender ; vittæ large, solitary in each furrow, 2 on the commissure.
Parts used : — The leaves and fruit.
Use : — Mahomed a writers describe it as resolvent, and deobstruent, carminative, diuretic and emmenagogue. It is used as a condiment and medicine. An infusion of it is given as a cordial drink to women after confinement. The leaves moistened with oil are used as a stimulating poultice or suppurative (Dymock).
The fruit yields on distillation with water 3 to 4 per cent, of an essential oil.
582. P. grande, Clarke h.f.b.l, ii. 710.
Vern. :— Báphali (Bomb.) ; Dûkû (H.)
Habitat. — Bombay Ghauts.
A glabrous, annual herb 3ft. Leaves mostly radical, long- petioled, amplexical at base, 2-pinnate, leaflets with 3 large, rounded lobes, and to be twice as large as the lateral ones. Lobes 3, large, rounded, 3-4in., serrate. Bracts oblong or obovate, obtuse, prominent, Fruit ⅓-½in., obovate, obtuse. Rays 20,