Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/116

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In Patna, the leaves are employed in cases of fever, the dose given being from half a drachm to 3 drachms (Irvine).

" Considered by natives of Porto Rico to be an excellent remedy for all kinds of ulcers. But it has a far greater reputation for the cure of sore throat. In many cases of pharyngitis and tonsilitis, I have obtained relief of the pain and constriction attending those diseases, by repeating gargles with a decoction of the leaves and flowers of the plant, giving internally one wine glass of the same every 2 hours" (Dr. Amedo, in the Ph. J. for April 28, 1888).

Chemical composition.— The stems and leaves, besides containing a tannin soluble in ether, affording a dirty green coloration with ferric chloride, and an organic acid, non-crystalline, also soluble in ether, gave very marked evidence of the presence of an alkaloidal principle soluble in ether, and yielding marked precipitates with the ordinary alkaloidal reagents : with potassic chromate it afforded no precipitate, and it gave no special colour reactions. It was tasteless.

823. Trichodesma indicum,, Br. h.f.b.i., iv. 153.

Syn. : — Borago indica, Linn., Roxb. 154.

Vern. : — Chhota-kulphá (H. and B.) ; Kowri-bootee, Katmandoo (Pb.) ; Gâozabân (Sind.) ; Hetmudia (Santal); Katmandi (Kumaon) ; Ratisurkh, nilakrái (Kashmir) ; Lahána kalpa (Mar.) ; Kazuthai-tumbai (Tam.) ; Gusva-gutti (Tel.).

Habitat : — Common throughout India ; not in Bengal Plains.

Parts used : — The leaves ; root.

Erect or diffuse herbs, bristly, with hairs springing from tubercles, and also more or less villous. Stems erect or diffuse, up to 18in. long. Leaves opposite, upper alternate, entire, l-4in., tubericulate on the upper surface, mostly sessile, lanceolate or cordate-lanceolate. Lower pedicels often distinctly axillary, 1-flowered. Flowers pale blue, changing to pink or white. Calyx-lobes ⅓-½in., more or less grey or white villous (at least in fruit), cordate or hastate at the base. Corolla-tube ⅓in., lobes ⅓in., ovate, suddenly acuminate ; Staminal one densely closely woolly on the back. Fruit ellipsoid. Nutlets 1/6in., sometimes very- rough on the inner surface, obscurely margined, white or bluish when ripe.