Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/171

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N. 0. SOLANACEiE. 921

stalk contains 0*49 per cent., the leaf 0*9 pep cent., and the seed capsule 0*585 per cent, of alkaloid.

Previous to the outbreak of the present war not only was a large propor- tion of the drug grown in Germany but German chemists practically held a monopoly for the manufacture of the alkaloid.

If then the supply of this substance falls short of the demand, English manufacturing chemists can obtain an adequate supply of the raw material from Northern India, for the plant can be exported in the dry state without impairing its value for alkaloidal manufacture.— J. H. Barnes.) The Agricul- tural Journal of India, January, 1916 pp. 86-88.

878. H. reticulatus, Linn.

Vern. : — Khorasani Ajowan (H.).

Habitat. : —Baluchistan. It grows abundantly in Quetta.

It differs from the species mentioned above in having a prickly stem, flowering bordering on purple and a black seed.

Use : — It is used like other species of Hyoscyamus, for it

contains Hyoscyamine.

Seeds, 0*082; whole plant (1), 0*240, (2) 0'116 per cent, of total alkaloid. Hyoxyamine was the only alkaloid that was identified.— [Bull. Imp. Inst. 1911].

879. Nicotiana Tabaeum, Linn, h.f.b.i., iv. 245.

Vern. : — Tamaku (Hind.) ; Tanbak (Arab.) ; Tanbaku (Pers.) ; Tamak (Beng.) ; Tamrakuta (Sans.) ; Tamaku, tamaqu (Dec); Pugai-ilai (Tarn.) ; Pogaku, dhumrapatramu (Tel.) ; Puka-yila, pokala (Mai.) ; Hogesappu (Kan .) ; Tamaku (Guz.) ; Dungazha, dimkola (Cingh.) ; Se (Burm.) ; Tambakhu (Bom.).

Habitat : — Cultivated throughout India.

Erect, viscidly-pubescent herbs, shrubs or trees. Leaves si- nuate entire, large, oblong, elliptic ; base cuneate, corymb com- pound, ultimate branches short. Panicles terminal, or racemes compound subterminal. Calyx ovoid or tubular, 5-fid. Calyx- teeth triangular-lanceolate. Corolla linear funnel-shaped. Corol- la lobes 5, in duplicate in bud. Stamens attached in the lower part of the Corolla-tube, filaments filiform ; anther ovate, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary 2-celled ; style filiform, stigma shortly 2-fid. Capsule fin. 2-rarely sub-4 celled, 2-valved to the 116