Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/187

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diam., in axillary racemes 3-6in. long. Bracts shorter than the flower stalks. Pedicels spreading, (usually longer than the Calyx i. Sepals tV^ 11 - ' 01j 8> subacute. Corrola £-§-ii). diam. Capsule notched, i-£in diam., somewhat compressed laterally, turgid, orbicular, rarely broadly ovate in some Tibetan speci- mens (J. D. Hooker). Seeds ovoid or oblong, biconvex. Use :— Used for the same purposes as V. Beccabunga.

896. V. Beccabunga, Linn, h.f.b.i., jv. 293.

Vern :— Tezak (PbA

Eng. : — Brooklime.

Habitat : — Western Himalaya, from Kashmir and Uawal Pin dee to Kanawar

A glabrous or puberulous, decumbent, succulent herb, stem hollow, branches 6-18in., spreading. Leaves l-2in., rarely obovate, sessile or shortly petioled, elliptic or oblong obtuse, crenate-serrate, base rounded. Racemes axillary, few or many- flowered, 2-4in.; pedicels spreading, bracts usually shorter than the pedicels Sepals ovate-oblong, subacute. Corolla ■g-in. diam., blue or pink. Capsule and seed as in Veronica Anagallis, Linn.

Uses: — The plant is used medicinally in Kashmir (Honig- berger.)

The leaves and young stems were once in favor as an antis- corbutic, and even now the young shoots are sometimes eaten as watercresses, the two plants being generally found growing together. They are perfectly wholesome, and might be more frequently employed but for prejudice. In oldentimes the leaves were applied to wounds, and are now sometimes bruised and put on burns. (Sowerby's English Bot. Vol. V., p. 170).

897. Sopubia delphinifolia, G. Don. h.f.b.i., iv. 302.

Syn. : — Gerardia delphinifolia, Limi. Roxb. 491. Vern. :— Dudhali (Bomb.).

Habitat : — Banda, Behar, on Parasnath, Deccan Peninsula, from the Concan southwards. 118