Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/189

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the root slender and leafy, rarely solitary with only radical leaves. Leaves petioled linear-oblong pinnatifid or pinnatisect, lobes many, short, crenulate, flowers axillary and in terminal racemes or heads, calyx-lobes crested, corolla pink, tube very slender 3-6 times as long as the calyx, upper lip a slender annular horn gradually narrowed from the base to the point, lower broadly 3-lobed.

Rootstock perennial ? Stems 2-10 in. erect or ascending. Leaves 2-6 by J1J in., lobes or segments obtuse, cauline and radical alike. Racemes short or long ; bracts leaf-like ; pedicels of the lower flowers sometimes 1 in. Calyx -§--£ in., hirsute or glabrate, nerves distinct. Corolla rose-pink, tube very slender, sometimes 2 in. ; upper lip longer than the broad lower. Capsule 7*i in. long, broadly oblong, oblique, acute, half ex- serted or less. Seeds j^-ts m -> oblong, obtuse, base, apiculate, striate. — Varies greatly in the size of the corolla and length of its tube. (J. D. Hooker).

Use : — Some part of this plant is used officinally in the Punjab (Stewart).


900. Oroxylum inclicum, Vent. h.f,b.i., iv. 378.

Syn. : — Bignonia indica, Linn. Roxb. 495.

Sans. : — Sheonak (a tree), Pruthusimlic (small kidneybean), Shuka-nasa (Acquiline nose), Kutanata (dishonest actor), Bhuta- vriksha (Goblin-tree), Katnanga (bitter bodied), Tutuka (small), Salak ^bark), Aralu (a kind of tree), Mayurajangha (peacock- thigh), Bhalluka (bear), Priya-jiva (dear life), Katambhara (filling hips).

Vern. : — Ullu, arlus kharkath, pharkath sauna, assar sauna, shyona (Hind.); Sona, sanpatti, nasona (Beng.) ; Pomponia, phunphuna (Uriya) ; Arengi banu, arengebaung, somepatta (Kol.) ; Bana liatak (Santal.); Soizong (Rajbanshi) ; Kering (Assam ^ ; Cherpong rMechi) ; Totilla, karamkanda (Nepal) ; Dhatte (Gond.) ; Mulin, miringa, sori, tatpalang, tatmorang