Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/194

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mottled with lighter streaks (Gamble); youngest shoots and in- florescence often minutely pubescent, or grey-pubescent. Glab- rate when old. Leaves simple, 6 by ljin. (C.B. Clarke) obtuse, narrowly or linear-oblong, undulate, entire, grey, glabrous, but somewhat rough ; Brandis says the blade is only 2-4in. Petiole f-lin. long. Flowers inodorous large, from pale-yellow to deep- orange, in short 5-10-fid corymbs at the ends of branchlets, or on flattened lateral branches. Pedicels ^-|-in. Calyx campanulate, Jin., hardly fin. broad, teeth 5 obtuse. Corolla campanulate, limb oblique, 2in. across, ljin. long, orange. Stamens scarcely exsert, glabrous ; anther-cells distinct, pendulous, narrowly ob- long, sub-2-lobed. Capsule curved, 6-8in. long, Jin. broad, glabrous, Valves tough, thin. Seeds including the wing 1 by fin., wings very narrow round the apex of the seed, at its base.

"A tree with drooping branches like the weeping willow ; when in flower few trees can present a more noble or beautiful sight." (Gibson).

Uses : — The bark of the young branches is often employed in Sind as a remedy for syphilis (Murray).

902. Dolichan hone Rheedii Seem, h.f.b.i , iv. 379.

Vern. : — Vilpadri (Tarn) ; Nir — pongelion (Mai).

Habitat : — Malabar.

A tree, attaining 50-60 ft. Leaves a feet long ; leaflets 3-4 pairs with an old one, 2-3 in., rhomboid, often unequal at the base ; petiolule in. Corymbs few- f sometimes 1-) fld., short- peduncled ; pedicels - in., stout. Calyx in. Corolla 4-7 in., white ; tube campanulate near the mouth ; segments 1 in., crenate toothed. Anther cells large, elliptic, separate, divaricate. Capsule 18 by | 1 in., nearly straight, not ribbed. Seeds (including the wings; f by in., rectangular.

Uses: — The seeds with ginger and Pavetta root are admi- nistered in spasmodic affections. Rheede).

The bruised leaves have an aromatic but disagreeable odor (Trimen).

903. D. falcata, Seem. h.f ? b.i., iv. 380 ; Roxb. 492.

Vern.: — Hawar (Oudh) ; Mendal, manehingi (Banswara) ;