Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/25

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The leaves are also administered with food as a remedy for rheumatism, and their juice to relieve cough.

The root is considered to have the same properties as the leaves, and to be also diuretic ; it is gien in dropsy along with other drugs. Dr. Mootooswamy gives the following formula as much used by native doctors: — Take of the root bark 3x, Tribulus terrestris fruits, root of Trianthema monogyna and Cephalandra indica ad3. Beleric and chebulic myrobalans asss. Iron dross gx. Goat's urine gviii, water four seers, Make a decoction and keep it for several days in the oven. Dose 2 to 3 ounces twice a day in as much water.

A decoction of the root leaves and bark with an equal quantity of Acorus calamus, ajowan seeds and salt is recommended as a remedy for chronic diarrhæa and 1 to 1½ ounces of the juice obtained from the root bark, with three ounces of Goat's milk, twice a day as a diuretic in dropsy.

(Pharmacographia Indica, Vol. II. pp. 385 etseq.)

" A decoction of bark is given as an antiperiodic in ague with success. It is astringent and tonic. The leaves used for ulcers, and especially after small-pox." (Surgeon-Major Lionel Beech, Cocanada.)

"The root-bark is used in muscular rheumatism." (Moodeliar, Madras.)


747. Carissa carandas, Linn, h.f.b.i., iii. 630 ; Roxb. 231.

Sans. : — Karamardaka.

Vern. : — Karaunda, garinga, karroná, timukhia, gotho (H.) ; Kurumia, karamchá, karenja, bainchi, tair (B.) ; Timukhia (N.-W. P.) ; Gotho (C. P.) ; Karinda, baranda, karwand (Bom.) ; Karavanda, boronda (Mar.) ; Karamarda, timbarran (Guz.) ; Kendakeri, kerendo kuli (Uriya) ; Kalaka, kalapa(Tam.) ; Kalivi kaya, waaka (Tel.) ; Karekai, heggarjige (Kan.).

Habitat :— Cultivated for its fruit throughout the drier sandy or rocky soils of India.