Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/54

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base rounded, acute or subcordate, nerves strong beneath and all running toward the point in three oblique pairs. Petiole ¼-½. Cymes terminal, lax, white — tomentose. Pedicels shorter than Calyx-lobes which are hoary without. Sepals red, ¾in. long, linear-lanceolate, glandular within. Corolla white, tube 5-ribbed, ½in. long ; lobes obliquely orbicular ; tube and throat both cylindric, sub-equal, limb 1½in. diam. Ovary pubescent at tip. Style slender, top lanceolate, stigma columnar, to the tip of which the anthers are attached. Follicles 3-5in., stout, nearly ½in. diam.; pericarp thickly coriaceous. Seeds (unripe) ovate-oblong, ½in. long, flat. Ovary wholly included in the tubular 5- lobed disk (J. D. Hooker).

Use :— Used for the same purposes as A. calycina.

764. A. calycina, A. Dc. h.f.b.l, iii. 664.

Syn. : — Echites caryophyllata, Roxb. 245.

Sans. : — Málati.

Vern. : — Málati.

Habitat : — Tavoy ; Gomez.

A stout, evergreen climber. Branches pubescent. Leaves 3-4in., coriaceous, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, nerves 7-10 pairs, arching, slender. Petiole ⅓in. Cymes many— -fid, densely rusty-tomentose, lax, terminal. Peduncle and pedicels stout. Sepals ¾-lin., eglandular. Corolla- tube ½in. long, hoary, slender, cylindric, base hardly dilated, narrowed upwards to the mouth, villous within ; Corolla-lobes ovate-acute. Ovary quite glabrous. Style elongate-clavate, truncate ; stigma columnar. Fruit unknown (J. D. Hooker).

Use : — According to Sanskrit authors, this plant is heating and tonic ; useful in diseases caused by disordered bile and blood (U. C. Dutt).

765. Trachelospermum fragrans, Hook., h.f.b.l, iii. 667.

Vern. : — Dudhi (Kumaon).

Habitat: — Temperate and subtropical Himalaya, from Kumaon to Bhotan, exclusive of Sikkim. Assam ; Muku hills ; Cachar.