Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/81

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and a substance affording the re-actions of an alkaloid. The resin is decomposed by boiling with dilute acids, and gives a purplish colour with strong sulphuric acid. It is glucosidal and is related to Jalapin. An aqueous extract contained gum and a carbohydrate having the properties of dextrin. The root was devoid of astringency. The powder mixed with milk of lime gave off ammonia. The larger roots left 3-16 per cent., the smaller ones 5.86 per cent., of inorganic matter on incineration. (Pharmacographia Indica, Vol. II, p. 450)

784. Dregea volubilis, Benth., h.f.b.l, iv. 46.

Syn. : — Asclepias volubilis, Linn. f. Roxb. 253.

Vern : — Nak-chhiknî (Hind.); Tita-kunga (Beng.) ; Hiran-dodi ; Ambri. (Mar.) ; Kodic-palay (Tam.) ; Marangkongat (Santal.) ; Âmbri ; Dudhi (Bomb.) ; Dudi-palla (Tel.).

Habitat: — Bengal, Assam and the Deccan Peninsula, from the Concan southwards.

A stout, glabrous, hoary or mealy climber, with a woody stem ; branches stiff, often pustular ; innovations generally hoary, tomentose. Leaves ovate, suborbicular or cordate acuminate, 3-6 by 2-4in., rather coriaceous, base sometimes rounded, truncate or cuneate, usually tomentose beneath, when young. Main lateral nerves up to 5 pair. Petiole rather stout, 1-3in.; peduncles l-3in., rather slender, drooping. Cymes axillary or inter-petiolar, umbelliform ; pedicels ½-1½in,, rusty, scaberulous. Flowers green ⅓-½in. diam. Calyx about 1/10in. across, stellate. Sepals triangular, ovate. Corolla dark-green, cup-shaped ; lobes broadly triangular, overlapping to the right, ½in. diam. Coronal scales 5, fleshy, hemispherial, adnate to the very short column, spreading, inner angle cuspidate ; pollen-masses wavy. Stigma dome-shaped. Follicles usually double, 3-4 by 1-1½in., broadly lanceolate, turgid, longitudinally ribbed, velvety until mature, afterwards minutely tomentose. Seeds ⅓-2/5in. long, says Kanjilal, broad-elliptic, concave, smooth, shining, with sharp edges; coma of very fine, white, silky hairs, about l½in. long.

Parts used : — The leaves ; roots and tender stalks.

Uses : — The leaves are much employed as an application to boils and abscesses. The roots and tender stalks are considered emetic and expectarant. (Ph. Ind.),