Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 2).djvu/85

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788. Strychnos colubrina, Linn., h.f.b.i., IV. 86 ; Roxb 194.

Vern :— Knchila-latâ (H. and B.) ; Goagarí-lakri (Bomb.) ; Kajar-wel (Mar.) ; Nágamushti, konsu kandira, tansu-paum (Tel.) ; Modira-caniram (Mal.); Kanal, taral (Bomb.).

N.B.— These vernacular names are applied to several species of strychnos, e.g. S. Rheedei, S. Beddomei, S. laurina S. cinnamanifolia, &c. All of these plants are put to the same uses as S. colubrina.

Habitat : — W. Deccan Peninsula, from tbe Concan to Cochin, frequent.

A scandent sbrub, with tendrils often in pair. Leaves 4 by 1¾in., elliptic acute, 3-nerved, glabrous, base cuneate or obtuse ; nerves not impressed above, margin pair obscure. Petiole ¼in. Cymes l-2in., axillary, small, compound, puberulous, pedicels 0- 1/12in. Calyx puberulous. Corolla 1/10in., tube hardly longer than the Calyx, lobes 5, villous within. Anther-cells oblong, glabrous, or nearly so. Ovary glabrous below, fulvous, hairy upwards. Style as long as the ovary. Berry ⅔in. diam., crustaceous, 1-2-seeded. Seeds ½in. diam., discoid (C. B. Clarke).

Parts used : — The root, wood, leaves and fruit.

Uses : — The wood of the root is esteemed by the Telinga physicians an infallible remedy for the bite of the Nâga, as well as for that of every other venomous snake. It is applied externally, and at the same time given internally. It is also given in substance for the cure of intermittent fevers (Roxb.).

In the Concan, the fresh leaves, rubbed into a paste with the kernel of the cashew nut, are applied to suppurating tumors (Dymock).

The bruised fruit is applied to the head in mania, the root rubbed down with pepper is given to check diarrhœa, and boiled with oil it is used as a liniment for pains in the joints (Rheede).

Rumphius states that it is used in Java as a febrifuge and anthelmintic and also externally in certain skin diseases.