and the other in the palm between the line of Life and the Liver line, called the plane or place of Mars.
Interpretation.—The mount of Mars shows courage; when in excess, passion; when small, temerity.
(Vide marks, etc., specially numbered.)
No. 16.
Name.—Mount of Venus.
Location.—In the root of the thumb.
Interpretation.—Love of beauty and pleasure; where large, inconstancy, coquetry; when small, coldness.
No. 17.
Name.—Dragon lines or Bracelets.
Location.—Lines to be found on the wrist.
Interpretation.—If double or triple and forming a right and continuous tract, it shows good composure of body; thrice, indicates health, wealth and prosperity; a star or cross here shows tranquillity in old age; if a line extends to the mount of Moon or Mercury from Dragon lines, it shows esteem and life in a foreign country.
No. 18.
Name.—Plane of Mensa, or place of Fortune.
Location. The space between the line of Fortune and the Liver line.