Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/30

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Smooth hands denote impression, ability, inspiration, intuition.

Hard, firm hands denote great energy and perseverance.

Soft, loose hands denote a kind of debility or laziness, a disinclination to work.

Knotted hands denote reflection, order, success.

(2) Observe the fingers.

Pointed.—Forefinger (first), intuitive; middle finger (second), frivolous, light-hearted, gay; ring finger (third), artistic, testy, nice, refined; little finger (fourth), eloquent.

Square.—Forefinger (first), truthful, cautious; middle finger (second); grave, thoughtful; ring finger (third), reasonable, a thinker; little finger (fourth), judicious.

Spatulated.—Forefinger (first), mystic, delighting in occult studies; middle finger (second), morbid, fanciful; ring finger (third), dramatic, sympathetic; little finger (fourth), mechanical.

(3) Look at the nails on the hands.

1. Narrow, indicate an irritable temper or aspiring spirit.

2. Round and full, indicate learning and liberal views.

3. Small, indicate pride, stubbornness, narrowness and bigotry.

4. Broad and flat, indicate a mild and timorous disposition.