Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/39

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and when counted together make twelve, they will be happy, prosperous and rich for the most part of life.

If they make thirteen he will be very unhappy.

If they make fifteen he will be dishonest or a thief.

If they make sixteen he will be a great gambler and cheat.

If they make seventeen he will be guilty of debauchery and much wickedness.

If they make eighteen the person will be very fortunate and religious.

If they make nineteen he will be very clever and respectable.

If they make twenty an enthusiast in religion.

If they make twenty-one he will be a great poet and become famous.

When these lines are joined at the ends and form the shape of a barleycorn or wheat, the fame and learning of the person depend on the number; one would be weak, two strong, and so on. If the lines just over the mounts be united at the ends, as described above, the person in whose hands the same appear will have riches and wealth, but generally by marriage. If they be united over all four fingers the person will be very rich, over three less wealthy and so on.

Small concentric circles, formed principally by the pores of the skin, on the points or first phalanges of the fingers and thumb, and these be not broken