The Eagle Brothers
And day after day Little-Eagle Sanpati kept wondering how this could be managed.
And his love for Jattayu was so great that it found a way.
"If one should fly between him and the sun to protect him," he said, "it could be done."
So, one day he made the little-eagle heart of him very brave, and made Jattayu believe that he too was wanting to see the sun; but that he was afraid of falling back upon the earth in terror, when he got near the sun's brilliance. So he begged Jattayu to fly just under him to protect him.
And Jattayu consented; and they circled, Little-Eagle Sanpati and Big-Brother Jattayu, higher and higher, till they got so near to the sun that even Jattayu had had enough, and turned to fly back to the safe quiet