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[5 & 6 Geo. 5.]
Indictments Act, 1915.
[Ch. 90.]

A.D. 1915.


Statement of Offence.

First Count.

Fraudulent conversion of property, contrary to section 1(1)(a) of Larceny Act, 1901.

Particulars of Offence.

A.B., on theday of, in the county of , fraudulently converted to his own use and benefit certain property, that is to say, 100l. entrusted to him by H.S. in order that he, the said A.B., might retain the same in safe custody.

Second Count.

Fraudulent conversion of property, contrary to section 1(1)(b) of Larceny Act, 1901.

Particulars of Offence.

A.B., on theday of, in the county of , fraudulently converted to his own use and benefit certain property, that is to say, the sum of 200l. received by him for and on account of L.M.

Section 9.


Enactments Repealed.

Session and Chapter. Title or Short Title. Extent of Repeal.
5 Geo. 4. c. 84. The Transportation Act, 1824. Section twenty-three.
7 Geo. 4. c. 16. The Chelsea and Kilmainham Hospitals Act, 1826. Section thirty-five from “and in all indictments” to the end of the section.
7 Geo. 4. c. 46. The Country Bankers Act, 1826. Section nine from “and in all indictments” down to, “crime, or offence.”
7 Geo. 4. c. 64. The Criminal Law Act, 1826. Sections fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen and nineteen.
7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 28. The Criminal Law Act, 1827. Section eleven from “and in an indictment” to “describing the previous felony.”
5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 69. The Union and Parish Property Act, 1835. In section seven the words “and indictment.”
11 & 12 Vict. c. 12. The Treason Felony Act, 1848. Section five.