Page:Informational Intelligence Summary No. 85.pdf/6

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The rate of roll of the Zero is faster from right to left than from left to right.

An outstanding characteristic of the Zero is its high rate of "zoom." This "zoom" is at nearly a vertical angle and can be continued from fifteen hundred (1500) to two thousand (2,000) feet depending upon the starting speed. This should not be considered as indicative of the rate of climb of this airplane.

The Zero does no possess a particularly high rate of climb as indicated by the following performance figures.


These figures are the calibrated results obtained by the Navy after a series of trials.

Maximum speed Sea level 270 mph.
Maximum speed 05,000 feet 287 mph.
Maximum speed 10,000 feet 305 mph.
Maximum speed *15,000 feet 326 mph.
Maximum speed 20,000 feet 321.5mph.
Maximum speed 25,000 feet 315 mph.
Maximum speed 30,000 feet 306 mph.
Rate of Climb Sea level 2750 ft/min.
Rate of Climb 15,000 feet 2380 ft/min.
Rate of Climb 20,000 feet 1810 ft/min.
Rate of Climb 30,000 feet 0850 ft/min.

Service ceiling: (approx.) 38,500 feet.

* Critical altitude.

The Zero is very stable and has excellent stall characteristics.

There is no tendency for the wing to whip when a stall is reached.

A slight tail flutter was experienced at three hundred thirteen (313) miles per hour indicated. It has not been definitely determined if this is a weakness of the Zero type or of this one airplane.

Take-off is very rapid. The ship became airborne with little effort by the pilot.

The Zero lands from a gliding speed of eighty-five (85) miles per hour indicated; estimated landing speed fifty-five (55) miles per hour indicated. The ship is very easy to land with no tendency to ground loop.

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