Page:Infrastructure Protection Act 2017.pdf/2

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NO. 41 OF 2017

6. Authorisation of security officers
7. Authorised officers to be public servants
Division 1—Protected areas
8. Declaration of protected area
9. Contents and effective date of protected area order
10. Notice of protected area order
11. Amendment of protected area order
12. Duties of authority of protected area
13. Revocation of protected area order
Division 2—Protected places
14. Declaration of protected place
15. Contents and effective date of protected place order
16. Notice of protected place order
17. Amendment of protected place order
18. Duties of authority of protected place
19. Revocation of protected place order
Division 3—Measures and powers for protection of protected areas and protected places
20. No unauthorised entry to protected place
21. Directions to control persons’ entry to and movement and conduct in protected area or protected place
22. Powers against contravention of sections 20 and 21, etc.
23. Special provision for arrest
24. Arrest by authorised officers who are not police officers
25. Measures for protection of protected area or protected place
26. Application of sections 27 and 28
27. Directions to move on from specified surrounding area of protected area or protected place
28. Inspection powers for specified surrounding area of protected area or protected place
29. Prohibited photography of protected area or protected place
30. Prohibited photography using unmanned aircraft
31. Authorised officer to produce evidence of identity and authority