Page:Infrastructure Protection Act 2017.pdf/43

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NO. 41 OF 2017

security plan includes a reference to a security measure that is varied or added to the approved security plan under such modification.

Certificate of works completion and responsible person’s duties before that

39.—(1) The responsible person of the special development must implement, or cause to be implemented, every security measure mentioned in section 38(1)(a), in accordance with the approved security plan.

(2) After completion of the specified works for the special development, the responsible person must submit to the Commissioner a certificate of works completion (prepared according to subsection (3)) for the Commissioner’s approval—

(a) in the case where a temporary occupation permit is required under the Building Control Act (Cap. 29) for the occupation of the special development, before obtaining any temporary occupation permit; and
(b) in any other case, within the prescribed time after completion of the specified works.

(3) The certificate of works completion—

(a) must be prepared by a person approved by the Commissioner to prepare that certificate of works completion (called in this section the competent person);
(b) must be in such form and manner as the Commissioner may require; and
(c) must contain the competent person’s certification that the security measures mentioned in section 38(1)(a) have been implemented in accordance with the approved security plan.

(4) Any person who contravenes subsection (2)(b) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.