Page:Infrastructure Protection Act 2017.pdf/48

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(8) This section applies to a security plan with a provisional approval under section 43(2)(c) (called in this section a provisionally approved security plan), subject to the following modifications:

(a) a reference to an amendment of an approved security plan in this section is a reference to an amendment of a provisionally approved security plan;
(b) a reference to an approval of an amended security plan in this section is a reference to the Commissioner’s provisional approval of an amended security plan, subject to conditions;
(c) a reference to a current approval of a security plan in this section is a reference to the Commissioner’s provisional approval of an amended security plan or (where the conditions of that provisional approval are satisfied) the Commissioner’s final approval of the amended security plan.

Implementation schedule for security measures in approved security plan

45.—(1) The approved security plan for the special infrastructure may contain the following types of security measures:

(a) security measures that are required to be implemented before or upon the completion of the specified works for the special infrastructure;
(b) security measures that are required to be implemented after the Commissioner’s approval of the certificate of works completion under section 46.

(2) The approved security plan may specify the period within which a security measure mentioned in subsection (1)(a) or (b) must be implemented.

(3) The approved security plan may, at any time after the Commissioner’s approval of the certificate of works completion, be modified in accordance with any regulations made under this Act; and a reference in subsection (1)(b) to a security measure in the approved